Only her

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Four months, three weeks, six days, and twenty-seven minutes.

That is how long you had been trying to find the black widow before you found her.

"Agent Y/L/N," A lower-level agent calls to you.

"What is it, Agent Leyho?" You ask while filling out some paperwork.

"We located the Black Widow."

Your head shot up at that and you rush out of the room to the tech room where a small team of agents were tracking the Black Widows' every movement. On a large screen in the middle of the room, there was a map showing the Black Widows location. She was in an apartment building a few miles away from SHIELD HQ.

"Okay, someone send me the location and let me know if there is any change in her movement," You order and start to leave the room, "And contact director Fury to tell him that we have located her."

You quickly make your way to your SHIELD registered vehicle and start driving to the warehouse that she is located in. On the way, you were listening to Girl In Red at full volume, obviously.

As you approached the warehouse you turn off the music and park a few blocks away before walking to the warehouse and entering through an open window around the back of the warehouse. As you creep through the warehouse to the area where you knew The Black Widow was you mentally check where all of your weapons were hidden.

You had met the infamous widow before and if that interaction was anything to go off of you had to be prepared for a fight. The last time the two of you had met you had ended up in the hospital for a month and Fury had forced you to stay out of work for two months after that.

You walk down a short hallway to a larger room where you see the Black Widow standing in the middle of the room. "Took you long enough."

"What?" You say confused.

"You have been tracking me for months and are only now finding me. I thought you would get me a lot sooner," She says while taking out any hidden weapons she had on her.

You were confused about why she was doing that. You had thought she would have put up a fight. "Why aren't you fighting me?"

She sighs putting down her last weapon and slowly approaching you. "I'm tired. I can't keep running and I don't have anything left. I haven't slept in over a week and the last time I ate anything was days ago. I just want this to stop."

It was then that you really took her appearance in. She was thinner than last time you saw her, and that was really saying something given how she was basically just skin and bones last time you saw her. She had heavy bags under her eyes and fading bruises littering her arms and legs.

Then you looked around the warehouse. In one of the corners, there was a small blanket and a pillow. There was a box next to it with a few clothes and photos. That was all there was. Nothing else.

"Why didn't you just turn yourself in?" You ask lowering your weapon and slowly walking to her.

"I knew you would find me soon."

You nod and take out handcuffs. She turns around and you cuff her, you know she could easily get out of them but you don't think she will.

You walk out of the warehouse and enter your car driving silently to SHIELD. When you arrive at the government building you quickly walk inside with the Black Widow and do your best to ignore the looks you were getting from agents as you led her to interrogation.

"I will be back in a few minutes," you tell her before walking out of the room and making your way to director Fury's office.

Three months later

Natasha had successfully de-programmed from the red room and SHIELD had welcomed her as an agent. After leaving her in the interrogation room three months ago you had gone up to Fury's office and told him that you thought Natasha could be a good asset to SHIELD. Thankfully he listened and you along with Maria Hill and Melinda May had helped her become an agent.

The first mission that you had done with her was taking down the red room. The mission was a success and you got all of the girls there -including Natasha's sister Yelena and her mom Melina- out of the red room.

After that mission Fury had started to pair you together on missions more often than not. Typically it was either just the two of you or it was you, Natasha, and Clint.

You and Natasha had quickly become friends and hung out with each other outside of the office a lot. You loved to introduce Natasha to American things she didn't know about and she loved when you introduced her to new foods she had never eaten before.

After a few months of this, the two of you started dating.

At first, your father, also known as Nicholas Fury, hated the fact that you were dating her bot now he saw her as a daughter as well and was glad that you started dating Natasha. Maria Hill who was one of your best friends constantly ships both of you and when you told her that you were dating she fainted. Clint also shipped you two and when he found out you were dating the first thing he did was plan your wedding.

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