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You were in your room of Stark towers packing your suitcase for the newest mission. Of course, Nick fucking Fury had to tell you that you would be going on a week-long undercover mission with Natasha Romanoff. The woman was a goddess, everything about her was perfect so it was no wonder that you had a small crush on her. Well, more like a huge crush. Or you were madly in love with her and wanted to spend the rest of your life with her.

You pushed out all of the thoughts about her and focused on packing your clothes and going over the mission in your head. You were going to England to infiltrate a Hydra base discussed as a fishing company. That was one of the weirder covers that you had heard of.

Your thoughts were interrupted as there was a knock on your door. "Come in," You called to the door as you zipped up the small duffle bag your belonging were in.

"Hey Y/N. I am making Clint go to stop'n'shop to get us food for the jet, Is there anything you want?" She asks you stepping into the room eyes glancing around before settling on you.

"Umm. Yeah. Can you tell him to get Fruit roll-ups, Gushers, and Little bites?"

"Of course," She nodded her head doing her best to his her small smile at the fact you have the eating pallet of a four-year-old. She exits the room leaving you to Get back to Packing.

-('・ω・')- Line break brought to you by Pablo-

Natasha and you had arrived at the cover house a few hours ago and had just ordered pizza for dinner. You were seated on the couch staring at the wall thinking about nothing. You were so immersed in thinking about nothing that you didn't realize that Natasha was trying to get your attention until she waved her hand in front of your face.

"Hey Y/N are you with me you seem spaces out."

"Oh yeah sorry. I do that sometimes, whats up."

"I was just saying that I can take the couch and you can have the bed since there is only one."

"Oh, No that's fine I'll take the couch I really don't mind. I like sleeping on couches, they are nice," You tell her smiling sheepishly.

"Are you sure," She can't help but smile back at you.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"Okay then." She pats your knee and walked away leaving you to look back at the wall.

That night you surprisingly go to sleep quickly and sleep deeply for a few hours. After a few hours of interrupted sleep, you wake up suddenly unsure of why you woke up. After a moment you hear muffled sounds coming from Nat's bedroom and then a scream.

You jumped off of the couch and ran into her room grabbing a gun off of the coffee table ready to shoot whoever was hurting her. When you entered the room you see only her in the room, she was thrashing on the bed trying to fight the invisible assailant.

You put the gun down and rushed to her side. "Nat, come on wake up," You shook her legs a little hoping to wake her up. You had learned from experience it was not a good idea to wake up superheroes by shaking their torsos. "It's just a nightmare. You are safe. Your okay."

She jolted awake panting heavily frantic ly looking around the room, "You're okay," She whispers to herself in reassurance.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You offer after a little while of sitting there.

"No," She whimpers.

"Okay." You move to get up and leave but she stops you.

"Umm, Can you stay?" It was rare to see her being so vulnerable. She looked so broken and you hated it.

"Of course."

"Thank you."

You climb into the bed next to her pulling the blankets over both of you and took her into your arms. She melts into the embrace holding onto you like you were the only thing left. You stayed in that position for a while, with you whispering sweet nothings into the night. Eventually, you shifted positions so she was laying over you with her head on your chest and fell asleep.

Natasha Romanoff OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now