Akaashi's POV
The rest of that day went swiftly, no one saw right through us. That day was more like hiding something that can obviously be seen.
Nothing was on today's schedule, no one but me and Eita knows that schedule. Of course, I went out with Eita, I can do that as long as Iwaizumi knows where and why.
"You're telling me now that you caught feelings for Bokuto?" Eita asked before taking a sip from his cup.
"I don't know, I'm confused." I sighed, leaned my head against the table.
"You're still confused about your feelings but did it anyway with that guy. Didn't it crossed your mind that maybe he's lying about his story?"
I raised my head and looked at him with a wide-eye.
"Your forehead is red." He continued.
"You're telling me he's using a lie so he can get my trust?"
"I don't know, it's just a what if."
I haven't thought about it like that, now it's getting harder. He's right, things were rushing towards us, but what I'm wanting to rush right now is just to finish it. Whether Bokuto lied or not, it still wouldn't change the fact that something happened between us and I have already ensured him that he is the one who impressed me. I'm still gonna live the life I wanted to curse, what difference will it make anyway?
"Snap out of it. You're overthinking again." Eita waved his hands in my face, getting my full attention. "There's still 2 more weeks, if you haven't chosen yet, you still have time to figure out things between you and Omi." He continued.
"What do you mean?"
"If you really think you haven't known Bokuto to the fullest, then why don't you try and do the same to Omi. Once you figure out which of them you can handle best, then go for it."
Oikawa's POV
"Hey chicken, Semi called today, he said you weren't picking up your phone." I complained as I got inside Kuroo and Kenma's room.
"Did he tell you why he was trying to call me?" He responded.
"He said Akaashi is having another hard time, and he doesn't know what advice to tell him again."
"I'll just give a call to Keiji later."
I left their room after that. I went back to me and Mirai's room, did a little cleaning. I wanted to scold her for not cleaning up her toys but looking at her peacefully sleeping, I just can't. She's so adorable.
I picked her up and placed her on the bed, so she can nap more comfortably. I lay down beside her, caressing her soft and fragile skin. She doesn't look much like Iwa-chan, but looking at her I tend to miss Iwa-chan more.
"Hey, Tors. Let's go to the mansion." Kuroo said as he opened the door. This noisy chicken head.
"Can you knock? And keep it down, Mirai's sleeping you freak." I replied, a little irritated.
"You can leave Mirai with Kenma, we're not gonna take long anyways. I think it's better if I just personally talk to Keiji."
"Why don't you go all by yourself?"
"You don't want to see Iwaizumi again? Okay, seems fine to me."
"Quit the yelling you moron! You just told me Mirai's asleep!"
"You're yelling as well, idiot."
"I'll meet you outside."
Kuroo left and I just pouted as I rest my head back again. I wanna see Iwa-chan so bad, but seeing him without Mirai seems kinda illegal.
Akaashi's POV
I isolated myself up in my room, not really wanting to see anyone today unless it's important.
"Hey, Kuroo's here to see you." Eita said as he peaked through the door.
I thought he was going to knock from now on, but the thing he saw earlier must be not enough for him.
I climbed down the stairs to meet Tetsu in the living room. He came with Oikawa, who is now clinging onto Iwaizumi.
"You wanted to see me?" I asked as soon as I saw Tetsu.
"Yeah, Eita said you've been stressing a lot more than usual." He responded.
"Not really that much. Isn't it important for you to look after Kenma?"
"He's fine, he's fine. What about you and those alphas? Finally found someone to introduce to us?" He smirked at me as he said this.
"Not that I could think of." I'm worrying a lot this time, I hope the stuff doesn't get to him.
"Yeah, I don't believe you. I'm sure around this time you're currently having someone you liked most between them."
"I'll just tell you when all of this is over, you'll know about it soon anyways." I sighed. "I'm gonna go back to my room, it's nice seeing you again." I continued before leaving.
I didn't know how long they stayed there before they left. Eita walked into my room to tell me about it, I'm not in the best mood to even care.
"I'm sorry, if I made you more problematic." Eita opened up.
"You didn't. You just made me realize that I'm slowly getting drowned into my father's game." I responded.
Eita sat beside me and proceeded to pat my back, a way of him trying to comfort me. After a few talks he left the room. I couldn't think of anything to do and try to comfort myself with.
I got out of my bed and walked my way towards Bokuto's room, safely unseen by anyone. It's almost time for supper, so I decided not to continue, but before I left Bokuto opened the door to his room.
"What's wrong?" He asked just immediately after setting his eyes on me.
I looked at him, still quite surprised. "Nothing. I was just supposed to call for you." I said.
"Why? Do you need to tell me something?" He was about to say another word when I interrupted it with a sudden hug. He responded with wrapping his arms around me gently. "Is there a problem, Akaashi?" He said with a worried tone.
"You're not lying to me, right?" I said, eyes closed. Just waiting for him to respond.
"I could never lie to anyone about anything." He pulled out of the embrace and caressed my face.
I smiled as he did so. We don't want to be caught by anyone, today is the day none of them should be near me without Eita and Iwaizumi's consent.
"I have to go back, we'll be caught like this." He nodded as an answer and I quickly made my way back to my room. Changed my clothes and patiently waited on my bed for anything to happen.

Win The Heart Of Omega
Fanfictionオメガの心を勝ち取る (Omega no kokoro o kachitoru) Win The Heart of Omega is an Haikyuu omegaverse fanfiction by DarkDreams and My Soul Resonance.