ch. 46 | It's Getting Complicated

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I grip the papers that need to be turned into HR tightly as I step out of the elevators. My hand is practically shaking as I scan through them once more, making sure they are just the ones that are required for my work clearance, and not any of the other booklets or pamphlets that I was given.

"You don't need to follow me up, you know that, right? I'm harmless," I tell the security officer that is following my every step as I make my way down the hallway to the correct room.

"Sorry, Miss Rhodes. I can't let you in here without clearance of your badge, or without an escort," he informs me with a straight face, and I simply nod, knowing that he's just doing his job.

Five minutes later, I walking back towards the elevators, minus the security officer, and with a working badge. Part of me wants to just go home, but my own mind will eat me alive if I do that, so instead, I'm going to bury myself in work. I have a ton of things to do, and that will keep my mind off of this whole situation for now.

I press the button to go up to my floor, so I can just lock myself in my office. But it's as if fate has another plan for me, because as soon as the elevator doors open, I'm met face to face with Asa. Looking up from his phone, he grins at me as I hesitantly step in.

"I was just about to text you for lunch, baby," Asa places a hand on my hip, dipping down and pressing his lips to mine softly. We don't really show affection at work, but since no one is in the elevator, I guess it's fine.

What's worse is his pet name for me. Baby. He has always called me that, and while some people hate it, I love it, except now, it makes me think of an actual baby. Because of the baby that's growing inside of me. His baby.

"I have a lot of work to catch up on," I tell him, biting down on my lower lip nervously. I already feel like I'm going to suffocate if this elevator doesn't get to where it's going soon. Just as I'm about to reach over and push the button to my floor, Asa grabs my arm gently, stopping me.

"You know...technically speaking, I'm your boss, and right now, I'm telling you not to worry about that," he smirks, folding our fingers together as he moves closer to me. "So what will it be? Sushi or sandwiches?"

I know he's teasing and that he would never pull me away from my work if he thought it was serious. But I also don't want to argue with him. Plus, I'm so hungry and could really use something to eat right about now.

"Sandwiches," I respond a little too quickly, knowing very well that I can't eat sushi right now considering my condition. Is it a condition? I frown at the thought of how clueless I feel right now. I don't know anything about babies or pregnancy, or even how to feel about any of this.

It's hard to even look at Asa, knowing that I've managed to possibly break our trust. How would he feel about this? We have never talked about this stuff before, and everything Zac said to me is taunting me in the back of my mind.

How well do I really know Asa? I know I can trust him and that I love him, but what if we want completely different things in life? We've only known each other for a bit over six months, so what if we are moving too fast as Zac had pointed out?

"What's wrong?" Asa's concerning voice catches me off guard, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up at him as he wraps his arm around my back, brushing his fingers down my spine.

"Nothing," I shake my head quickly, giving him a small smile. "I just...I haven't ate today, and I'm thinking about the meetings I missed. You won't believe what Zac did to me this morning."

The elevator dings as it stops on Zac's floor, which is at the very top before the last few levels that are used for conference space and events. He leads me to his office, with a polite nod to his secretary. As soon as we're in the room, Asa goes to his desk to place an order for food as I fill him in on the details of this morning.

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