ch. 66 | Grandma

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"I'm freaking sweating, Asa," I mutter as he helps me out of his car. He's been thinking about getting another one, but it hasn't happened yet, but thankfully we still have time until this baby comes. I'm only fifteen weeks, but it feels like this pregnancy is flying. "She's going to hate me for this."

"No," Asa let's out a chuckle, fixing my sweater for me as he smacks a kiss on the top of my head and takes my hand, leading me to the front door. "She won't. She's going to love you even more."

"Lauren said she was already getting excited about our wedding!" I exclaim in a hushed tone. We had planned on telling Asa's mom about the baby before, but things definitely got out of hand and here I am, fifteen weeks along and ready to deliver news about a grand baby. We're just going to slip in that we eloped, and hope for the best.

"It's fine, baby. Relax," Asa rings the doorbell before I can stop him so I can have a moment to do just that — try to relax. I can't. Even when I wasn't pregnant, I was always on edge, but pregnancy makes me even more worrisome. Thankfully Asa is always calm and collected.

Except for when he literally beat the shit out of Ethan and pretty much kicked him the hell out of the city. Well, it was more of a threat that Asa could very easily act on — he holds a lot of power and people love him — both of which Ethan doesn't have. But that's a story for another day.

The front door swings open, revealing Lydia, who has her hair bundled up on the top of her head in a bun and the cutest fall themed apron on. The house smells like baked goods and probably a whole dinner that she likely made for us. My stomach can't help but growl, even though we just ate lunch less than two hours ago. I love it — I have my appetite back and food tastes exponentially better when you aren't constantly having morning sickness.

"You two! Come on, get in here," she grins excitedly, pulling me inside by my hands and right into a tight hug. It's been a few weeks since I've seen her, and I'm nervous about all the news we're about to give her, but I also love her.

"Hi Lydia, how are you?" I giggle as she pulls back, moving to give her son a hug. I glance up at him, giving him a nervous grin as he pulls his mother into a bear hug. My heart flutters at the sight, because only weeks ago, their relationship was on a completely different bridge, one that I'm glad they were able to get over.

"I'm great now that you two are back! I can't believe how long it's been," she pulls back from her son, adjusting her bun. Lydia and I speak on the phone almost everyday, but it's not the same as getting to see her. It's nice to have a mother figure when I can't have my own with me.

"So," Asa coughs a bit, getting both of our attention. "I'm just gonna rip off the bandaid, okay?"

My smile falls almost immediately, and I frown. Now? He wants to tell her the news right now? I go to shake my head to stop him, but the words are already in the air before I can even move my head to one side.

"We got married."

Lydia raises her eyebrows at us, taking a moment to process what his son just said. My elbow naturally jerks to the side, elbowing Asa in the side. It's not a gentle gesture, but Asa doesn't even flinch.

"You got married..." Lydia repeats. "You two got married?! What? When...I didn't realize you were in a hurry to...Oh my god, Asa! Are you kidding me?! First Andrew, and now you too? Can't a woman see her son get married?!"

She's not mad, but most definitely surprised, which is evident with how she's blabbering. I don't blame her — Asa did make a big deal about Andrew eloping with Lauren, and then went and did it himself.

Asa doesn't say anything, but instead pulls something out of his pocket and holds it out to her. It's a piece of paper? I'm not really sure, but she takes it anyways, lifting the folded piece on top and letting the rest of it fall open.

As soon as she does, her jaw practically drops, and I quickly realize that they're sonograms from my last ultrasound. When I was in the hospital and they had done an extra ultrasound — at Asa's demand to check on the baby again — he had asked for extra images.

Lydia's head jerks up from the four images in her hand, tears in her eyes and one hand covering her mouth as she tries to process. Her eyes flicker between Asa and I, before settling on me, and I'm pretty sure I have tears in my eyes too, because well...pregnancy does that to you.

"You're pregnant.." Lydia states more than asks, before throwing her arms around me in a hug again. "Oh my goodness, I can't believe it!"

We hug for another minute, and Lydia is practically crying by the time she goes to hug Asa. He was right about this, she's more happy than anything else.

"I can't believe I get to see you become a father," she tells her son, and I'm beaming watching the two of them. I don't even know why I was so nervous about this, but all of those feelings have disappeared. I should have expected it, because in the short time I've known Lydia, she's always been so supportive of everything. "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandma again!"

We laugh together, and it's a bittersweet moment for me because she's the closest thing to a parent that I have now, and the only grandparent this baby will have. It's almost terrifying to think that if things hadn't worked out in the way they did, that wouldn't be the case.

"Don't think you're off the hook with running off and getting married," she scolds him after a few more moments of hugging, before turning to me. "Now tell me everything. Do you know the gender? How far along are you?"

Lydia wraps her arm around me, guiding me further into the home and through the hall, asking me tons of questions that I'm ecstatic to answer, like how Asa and I both mutually agreed that we want baby's gender to be a surprise.

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a/n: short chapter, but I had to include! will probably be extended / edited, but I really want to complete the story and then just go back and edit all the things at once xo

I'm back btw! sorry, i was sick and then got so busy, and still have allergies and a slight cough and it sucks!

please vote as usual! y'all are the best and I've missed you so much! <3

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