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𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢 9 3/4 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙜𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨
𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧  1, 1997

There was so much nervousness and excitement around me. New and old students excited to go Hogwarts. I was definitely excited to go back.

My mother had dropped me off a few minutes ago. She didn't really care to wait for the train to leave before going off. I don't mind much, she's been doing it since my brother went to school. Though, sometimes it hurts that she doesn't seem to care. Like when I see other parents waiting for their kids to leave on the Hogwarts Express, those parents seem to care.

I loaded my luggage into the empty compartment. There weren't many people on the Hogwarts Express yet so it was easy to get an empty one. I sat down and took out a book from my bag to read. Only a few minutes had passed before it got to loud and I had to close my book because I kept getting distracted. I made sure to keep the compartment door open to wait for Regulus to pass by. I had to politely tell many people that they couldn't sit with me because I was saving it for my friend. I felt so bad but finally after awhile I saw Regulus, he came into the compartment and sat with me. The train had just started to take off from platform 9 and 3/4.

"How was Italy? Did you have fun?" I asked enthusiastically.

"It was very beautiful. I enjoyed my time there but it was quite boring really. It was just my parents and I, didn't really have anyone to talk to" Regulus said very uninterested. Seeing as he probably didn't want to talk all about the trip he had just come from.

"You didn't speak to the locals?"

He shook his head no.

"Why not?! Reggie, you could've found yourself a girlfriend or boyfriend..."

Regulus' face slightly went pink "That was phase! We said we would never speak of it again".

"You did, I didn't. Besides I don't blame you, James Potter's pretty hot" I said teasingly.

"It's not funny."

"It is so. You always get so flustered when I bring it up."

"Because it's embarrassing-" Regulus was cut off.

"Oh, uh, hi. Do you guys mind if I join you?"

Regulus and I turned to the door. "No not at all, come in Davina" Regulus said rather quickly.

"Hey" I said smiling at Davina.

"Hello, Anastasia, Regulus. How was your summer?"


"Same. How bout you, how was your summer?"Regulus asked.

"It was good. I went to New York to visit some family. It was really nice to see them. Did any of you travel?" Davina asked.

"I didn't but he did" I said gesturing to Regulus.

Regulus nodded "I went to Italy."

"Cool, I wish I would have gone to Italy. Did you like it?"

"Yeah, it was nice."

"I bet it was. I would love to here more about your trip but I have to go look for a friend. Is it okay if I bring her to sit with us?" Davina asked.

"Yeah, that's fine" I said smiling.

Davina got up from her seat and left.

I turned to Regulus "you're acting weird" I said eyeing him.

"No im not" he said a little nervously.

"You're lying. What are you hiding Regulus Black?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Nothing" he said blankly.

"I'll find out sooner or later. I mean I am your best friend practically your sister and they always find out."

"Not gonna lie that kinda scared me."

"You should be scared" I said jokingly in a whisper.

About 6 hours had passed, only 3 hours left intel we got to Hogwarts. Davina had brought her friend, a 5th year Ravenclaw named Sadie, to our compartment. She was very nice.

They both came from muggle families and asked Regulus and I if we wanted to play a game. It was a board game, called Monopoly. Davina explained the rules. Regulus and I were completely confused. We had no idea how to play the game but went along with it. Davina and Sadie clearly knew we where clueless but didn't say a thing. They just helped us as the game went along. We played for hours, occasionally taking a sneak break. We were all having a great time playing but the fun had to come to an end. We had to go change into are robes.

As I was going back to my compartment after changing I saw Zane. I waved at him hello. He waved back but then gestured for me to come sit with him and his friends. I didn't want to be rude so I went and sat with him.

"Everyone this is Anastasia Nott. I'm sure you all have heard of her brother, Amell Nott" Zane said introducing me to his friends.

"Your brother was Slytherin's quidditch captain when he went to school, right?" Penelope Parkinson asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

"And Wasn't your sister a beater for Ravenclaws team?"

I nodded.

"Do you play quidditch, Anastasia? You seem like a sports person" asked Jess Flint with a smirk.

"Nope not at all. I didn't get the quidditch gene" I said a little uncomfortably answering Jess' question.

Jess was known to be a flirt. He was another Sirius Black except Jess believed in all the bullsh*t about blood supremacy. I unlike every other girl in the school didn't follow behind them like a lost puppy. I'll admit it, at one point I did want one of them to ask me out but everyone goes threw that phase and grows out of it. Jess just hasn't gotten the memo that I'm over it. He had been giving me these flirty looks since I sat down with them.

"That's to bad. I bet you would've been a great quidditch player" he said.

"Maybe" I said blankly.

"You'd definitely be a chaser" Jess said with a wink.

I gave him a fake smile and laugh.

Jess was about to speak again when the marauders walked by. I waved at them hello. They waved back with cheeky smiles. I turned back to the conversation but Zane, Penelope, and Jess all had disgusted looks on their face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"You're friends with them?" Penelope asked disgusted with even the thought of them.

"No not really. I've had most of my classes with them, I've just always said hello to them."

"If you say so" Jess said with a suspicious look.

"I once heard a rumor that Lupin was werewolf" Zane said in a whisper but just loud enough for Penelope, Jess, and I to hear.

"I heard that too" Penelope said interestedly.

"Would explain why he's such a freak" Jess said with a grin.

"Well, it's just a rumor, doesn't mean it's true. Besides Lupin is nice" I said trying to back up Remus Lupin. He didn't deserve to be talked about badly.

Penelope scoffed.

"Uh I actually have to go... it was nice talking to you guys" I said getting up from my seat.

"Yeah, see you later" Zane said.

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