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𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝘾𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨
𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 2, 1977

"Everyone please! Settle down and don't make yourself comfortable. You all know the drill" everyone including me began to stand up. "Stand up and let me assign you a seat for the year!" Professor Slughorn said gesturing for his students to move to the side of the classroom.

Potions was my first class of the day and year. I've always had quite a liking for potions probably due to Andrea, she's a master at potions. Always giving me tips on how to get a great outcome of a potion.

Professor Slughorn cleared his throat "Alright let's start seating everyone. James Potter, Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue, and Frank Longbottom, you four right here" he said pointing to one of the front rounded tables.

I couldn't help but notice that both James and Lily seemed quite happy with the arrangement. I get why James would be so happy but Lily? She practically loathed him from what I've seen. She never missed a moment to call him a arrogant toe rag when they spoke. It was weird to see them get along.

Professor Slughorn was half way done assigning seats when he called for me, Marlene McKinnon, Elsie Jackson, and Sirius Black to take a seat at our new placement. I walked over to the middle rounded table in the center of the class as Professor Slughorn was still assigning seats to my other classmates. I took a seat next to Elise a fellow Hufflepuff. She sat next to Marlene leaving only one obvious seat for Sirius to take. The empty one next to Marlene and I.

"Hello ladies" Sirius said in his flirtatious voice.

Before any of us could respond to Sirius, Professor Slughorn interrupted. "Everyone if you could please quiet down for a few minutes as I explain what we will be doing today- for our first lesson of this semester we will be revisiting a potion we've done before. Just to make sure none of you forgot anything".

"What will the potion be Professor?"

"Draught of living death. You all excelled on this potion last year and I'm sure you'll do the same today." Everyone including me seemed quite pleased with the assignment. "You'll be working in pairs today, pick a partner, someone from your table. After you've done that you may begin working on your potion. You have intel the end of the class to finish."

Marlene and Elise decided to work together which meant I was left working with Sirius.

"So should I get the ingredients or you?"

"I can get them" I said leaving my seat to the cupboard full of ingredients.

"I thought you and Black weren't friends."

It was Jess.

"We're not and why do you care if he's my friend or not? I don't need anyone's permission to tell me who I can be friends with, especially not yours. If you'll excuse me I have to get back to my partner, Sirius Black."


I watched as Jess Flint went up to Anastasia with his obnoxiously annoying face. I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a few minutes Anastasia came back with the ingredients and with a new embodied confidence she didn't have earlier this morning.

"You and Jess, huh. You two seem to be getting pretty cozy over there".

"Ew, no, never" she said while opening a jar of wormwood.

I laughed at her comment "he's not your type?"

"Definitely not. He thinks he's better than everyone, he's a bully, and he's awful... Reminds me a lot of my father."

There was a awkward silence.

I didn't know how to respond. I wanted to tell her, I 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 how she felt. She was practically describing my parents. They make you feel trapped and hopeless, like you don't belong. I didn't belong- but I still wanted to feel wanted.

Anastasia had realized what she said was unfit for conversation and quickly changed the subject. She began to order me to help with the potion. I being me kept messing around. Anastasia was slowly getting annoyed with me and my antics.

"I've just gotten the weirdest feeling."


"Yeah, I have a sudden urge to slap someone."

McKinnon and Jackson began to laugh.

I gasped "is that supposed to be a threat? I am very scared for my life at the moment" I said dramatically.

"You're being dramatic."

"Says the one who just threatened me. I take my apologies in dates to Hogsmeade" I said jokingly.

She completely ignored my comment "Just help me with the potion" she said handing me ingredients to add in.

McKinnon kept looking over at me.

"What?" I whispered.

"Nothing" she said with a cheeky smile.

"No, tell me."

Marlene leaned in closer to my ear just so she and I could hear "You guys would be cute together."

This is my first time doing a chapter from Sirius' POV, I hope I did him justice bc I love that man <3 criticism would be appreciated :)

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