Hormones Suck

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After explain everything to Nat, and Clint my face was covered in tears. I'm not normally a crier, but hormones suck. Nat was rubbing my back, and Clint was just sitting on the beanbag in my room.

I sniffled one last time, "I thought you guys weren't getting back until tomorrow." 

"Yeah, the mission was easier done than said." Clint smirked, and I let out a small laugh. 

Nat just rolled her eyes. "Plus the information was a bust. So there wasn't even a mission."

There was a soft knock on my door. 

"Who might it be?" I called out. 


Nat, and Clint shared a look. 

"Hmmm, I deem you unworthy of entering my labyrinth of a room." 

I motioned for Nat, and Clint to get in the vents and leave. As quickly as they could, they did just that. I checked my map to make sure they were actually gone. 

"Nevermind! You're more than worthy!" 

He slowly entered my room, and I smiled at him. He on the other hand looked upset. 

"Is everything ok Loki?" I stood up, and met him halfway. 

He nodded, "Fine, I just came to tell you Thor has requested to speak with you." 

I furrowed my brows, "Why didn't F.R.I.D.A.Y tell me?" 

He blushed a little, "I told him I could do it. I wanted to check up on you." 

I gave him a small hug before skipping out. "Why thank you." 

I found Thor sitting in his room. He smiled when he saw me.

"Lady y/n!" 


I happily stood in front of him, "What did you want to talk about?"

He sighed a little, "Loki." 

My face fell, "Did I do something?" 

He shook his head, "I haven't seen him this happy in quite some time... I haven't seen him dance like that in longer. He cares for you y/n, and he is also easily hurt." 

A small smile returned to my face, "I have to intention to hurt him Thor." 

"Neither did our father, but he did." 

I bowed my head a little, "Loki is an amazing friend, and I will do my best not to hurt him." 

Thor sighed, "Friend?"

All I could do was nod. He looked me in the eye.

"I should not be the one to tell you this, but Loki may not view you as only a friend. In the few weeks that he has known you, he has became very fond." 

My heart pace started to pick up, and I could feel a blush creep on my cheeks. Thor chuckled a little. 

"I sense you have too?" 

I nodded my head, and practically ran out of his room. My cramps were being a bitch today, and I all I wanted to do was sleep and eat. I wandered around for awhile, avoid my dad. Eventually I ended up in the library. I saw Loki sitting on a couch reading something. I happily walked over to him, as Thor's words played over in my head. 

'Loki may not only view you as a friend'

Loki heard my walking, and smiled faintly when we saw me. Without saying anything I laid down on the couch, and placed my head in his lap. He stiffened under me, and I just smiled. 

"I'm tired, and you make a pretty good pillow."

He chuckled, and relaxed a bit. As I laid there, the silence got uncomfortable for me. 

"Wanna read out loud?" 

I could sense Loki's smile, "Would you like that?" 

I nodded my head, and so he did. He was reading Alice in Wonderland, and soon the words lulled me to sleep. I opened my eyes to see Loki walking out of the library. A pillow was beneath my head, and a blanket covered me. 


He turned back to face me, "I didn't mean to wake you dove, I am very sorry." 

I shook my head and sat up, "It's ok." 

We stared at each other for a few seconds, and suddenly Loki started walking back over to me. His strides were large, and he reached me in no time. The second he did, he grabbed my face and kissed me. It took me a second to register what was happening, and as soon as he pulled me in he was pulling away.

"I hope that was ok Lady Y/n." 

I smiled and a small blush tinted my cheeks, "Yeah uh- yeah. That was you know... cool." I shot finger guns at him, and immediately regretted it. 

He let out a low chuckle, and left me in shock. What just happened? Did Loki really kiss me? 

I woke up, and felt someone touching my hair. My first instinct was to fight, and or scream. I shot up, and turned to see Loki giving me a curious look. 

"Oh ha- it's just you." 

His face seemed to falter slightly at my words. 

'He is easily hurt' 

"Not that you're a bad thing! I just- uh, I just forgot I fell asleep on you and thought some creepy old dude playing with my hair." 

He chuckled lightly, and I noticed Alice in Wonderland had been placed down.

"How long was I asleep?" 

"A few hours it is, 9."

It was a dream.. right. Loki most definitely didn't kiss me, I mean why would he?

Hold up- it's 9?! 

"It's nine?! Fuck, I slept all day." 

He smiled at me, "Stark came looking for you, and seemed quite upset to see you lying on me." 

I swallowed hard, "Oh shit, did he murder you? Are you dead?" 

Loki just chuckled and shook his head, "No I am not dead y/n. He just told me to be careful with you." 

I'm sorry, what? He just said be careful, and walked off. 

What. The. Literal. Fuck?

"Yes dove, I had the same thoughts." 

Dove, he called me that in my dream... right before-

"Right before I kissed you?" 

My eyes widened, and I felt my cheeks heat up. "W-what're you talking about?" 

He carefully brushed some hair out of my face, "I can read minds darling, that means I can also see dreams." 

He lightly cupped my face. His cold skin felt nice on my hot one. 

"You seem to have quite the imagination." 

I swallowed hard, and didn't meet his eye. He got so close that our lips were centimeters apart. He tilted his head to the side, as if he were going to kiss me but didn't. 

"You were right, I would never kiss you." He harshly let go of my face, and pulled away. 

My eyes suddenly stung with tears of embarrassment, and hurt. Loki chuckled darkly before walking off. 

He called out to me without turning, "You are a simple Midgardian darling, I am a god." 

Tears streamed down my face as the library doors slammed closed. 

Hormones really fucking suck. 

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