Loki POV

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Another one, cause it's important! 

I walked out of her room more confused than ever. I went straight to Starks lab so I could ask him about this Justin. When I got inside I did not wait for him to address me. 

"Who is Justin?" 

The man's back went rigid, and he looked up from whatever contraption he was working on. 


I looked down at my hands, "Y/n said she thought she was going to get nightmares about him." 

His face contorted into pure confusion, "She told you that?" 

Embarrassed I shook my head, "I may have overheard her conversation with a masked man." 

Stark sighed, "It's not my place to say Loki. If you really want to know you need to ask her." 

I sighed, "Can you tell me anything?" 

He looked me in the eye, "Justin is the reason she stopped dancing." 

He must've been the one to drop her. 

"Why would she have nightmares about being dropped?" 

The father looked down to his hands. Disgust, and regret laced his features. 

"He did more than just drop her Loki-" He looked back up at me, "He was the first to break her." 

I know this is short, but that's the point of these chapters. It explains a little something to you, and then it can also open up for more explanation. Like Justin- who we hate. 

Also I have an excess of these in my camera roll for no reason

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Also I have an excess of these in my camera roll for no reason..... so now I'm putting them here, or at the beginning. 

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