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-June 12th 2018: 100 years old (25 year old body)-

Charlotte and Bucky had been a nightmare when they were sent on a mission together, even if they didn't Remember how or why they got along well during their time with hydra, they were a dynamic killing duo.

Their record was about 25 for the most kills in a shot, grenades and explosives making that possible, along with charlottes ability to burn a building down in seconds.

But after their mission to eliminate Captain America failed, the winter soldier went off the grid and abandoned hydra.

Blaze was shocked, never knowing that it was possible to leave the torturous facility. She had only ever been taught that the outside world was  dangerous, and that her identity must be kept a secret or else she will get killed.

"Blaze." Alexander Pierce, the new head of hydra, said to the blonde haired girl. "Mission report."

"Assassination success. Reece Larson was successfully burnt to dust." Charlotte, now known as blaze, said.

Pierce nodded. "Good work. Now find my Winter soldier. I want him back, dead or alive." He said, "you have 48 hours to complete this mission."

"Ready to comply, sir." Charlotte said, giving a small nod to Pierce and walking out of the room, accompanied by guards to watch her every move.

Charlotte went into the weapons and uniforms room, slipping on a fresh set of her super suit. It was a black top and pants, then a purple leather coat to go over it with a longer back. It looked almost like a dress. For shoes, she had knee high black high heeled boots, surprisingly easy to run in.

She slipped the black leather gloves over her smaller hands and put her black tinted aviator sunglasses on her face , strutting out of the room. "Be back in 48 hours or we won't hesitate to send soldiers out to find you." One of her guards said, glaring at her before she could walk out.

"Yes, sir." She responded, nodding her head and leaving the building.

It felt odd for her to be out in the public alone, she was so used to having the winter soldier by her side that she felt almost lost.

It had been a while since the winter soldier had gone missing, about two years actually. Hydra has been trying to find him on their own, but have failed a numerous amount of times, so they sent their top assassin.

Charlotte roamed around the streets of New York City, something feeling oddly familiar about the area to her. But, she didn't know what it was so she ignored it.

"Hey, miss, do you know where the American Eagle is? I can't find it anywhere." A stranger asked charlotte as she walked.

Charlotte glared at the stranger, using her telekinesis to shove them over, and continued walking.

After a while of just walking around and looking for the winter soldier, Charlotte spotted a large tower, a big "A" on the side.

She tapped the side of her sunglasses, enabling the heat signature mode, and scanned the tower.

Steven Rogers
Anthony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
James Barnes

The blonde haired girl took out her phone, looking for the legal name of the winter soldier to see if it matched any of those that she found.

Scrolling through the hydra site, she found the winter soldiers file. James Buchanan Barnes: the winter soldier.

"Gotcha." She whispered to herself, turning down the road that the large tower was on, going to approach it.

"Mr Stark, a unidentifiable person has entered the building." Jarvis, The Avengers AI robot said over the speakers into the meeting room where Tony, Steve Rogers, Bucky, and Natasha Romanoff sat.

Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "Pull up the security footage." He said, a large screen with the security cameras footage popping up.

The four could see the blonde headed girl strut through the building, her sunglasses blocking her identity from being revealed.

"Who is it?" Natasha asked, looking at the cameras and waiting for the girl to get to their level. "Any of you know her?"

The three boys shook their heads. "No." Steve and Tony each said, Bucky just staring at the screen.

"That's Blaze." Bucky said, "she's the fire girl who tried to burn Steve to dust, but got shot and lost focus."

Steve looked at Bucky. "How do you know?"

"The jacket." Bucky said, "it's got everything she needs to kill someone, which means she's here to kill."

Tony glanced at the three of them. "Suit up." He said, "lava girl is coming to kill us."

But it was too late. The blonde headed girl appeared in the doorway, holding a purple fire ball in her hand. "Is that necessary?" She asked, "I'll be quick. Just give me him." She turned to Bucky.

Both Steve and Bucky looked at her, recognizing the voice immediately. They only knew one girl with a voice like hers.

"Your not going anywhere." Tony said, putting on his glove to shoot a beam of energy at her.

But charlotte just shook her head. "I've asked nicely." She said, "but two can play at that game."

Charlotte smirked at the dark haired man with the glasses, sending him flying out the window. "Who's next?"

"Who are you." Steve asked. Holding his shield in front of him to protect himself. "And why do you want him."

"I'm no one of your concern, Steven." She said, "I need to return hydra property."

Steve shook his head. The way the blonde just said his name was way too familiar. And no one ever called him Steven.

"Now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Make your pick." Charlotte said, holding up the fire ball again.

But, Tony came flying back up to the window, blasting Charlotte with his gauntlet. "That was easy." He said, seeing the girl in the ground.

What confused him was how she disappeared from his sight, almost like she was never there. "Where'd she go?"

"Try again, Anthony." Charlotte said, flying in front behind him and burning a hole in his iron man suit, completely destroying the blasters.

Tony looked at Charlotte in shock, then at the other three who were also shocked.

"Are you insane?!" Tony complained. "I just fixed this suit!"

Charlotte sighed, "I'm a lot of things, stark. Insane is just one of them." She said, disappearing again. For good this time.

The four avengers in the room just looked at each other, trying to figure out what just happened.

"That girl is a psycho." Natasha said. "I want to be her friend."

Bucky shook his head, Looking at the security footage from when the girl entered the tower.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked, watching as Bucky zoomed in on the girls face.

Bucky looked at Steve , then at the footage. "Don't try to tell me that she didn't sound familiar to you.."

✔️BLAZE ||Bucky Barnes||Where stories live. Discover now