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"What do you mean it did?" Charlotte asked.

Pierce chuckled a little bit. "Your here right now, yes?" He asked, "all I have to say are the magic words.. correct?"

Charlottes eyes went wide. "You wouldn't dare." She said, dropping the gun and igniting a fire in her hands. "You start speaking, I'll kill you, along with burning this building to dust."


Charlotte fell to her knees, trying to stop the words from affecting her. "S-stop." She begged.

Pierce didn't seem to care as he continued, not even moving.




Charlotte groaned, knowing it was almost over. But if she didn't do anything to stop it now, she could become Blaze again and do things she will regret whenever it wears off.

"I said... ENOUGH!" Charlotte said, her powers having a full outburst and engulfing the building in flames.

Screams were heard from around the building, but Charlotte was only focused on dealing with Pierce.

Since Pierce was always an issue, he of course had to become more of an issue. The man stood up from the ground, attempting to attack Charlotte.

"You forget I'm highly trained?" She said, pinning him to the ground in seconds. "Now why'd you post it."

Pierce struggled to breathe as Charlotte used her strength to hold him down. "B-because if I can't have you, n-no one can." He said, managing to pullout another gun.

Charlotte knew he was going to shoot her. The gun was pointed right at the center of her forehead. Before he could pull the trigger, Charlotte grabbed the barrel of the gun and melted it shut so that a bullet couldn't pass through.

"And if I kill you, no one else can have the pleasure of saying they did." Charlotte said, burning Alexander to dust.

The blonde stood there in shock. "Want did I do.." she said quietly to herself, staring down at the pile of dust.

"Yeah, Charlotte, hey.. you might want to get out of there." Tony said through the camera in her sunglasses. "That building is going to turn to dust in about ten seconds."

Charlotte simply nodded her head and teleported back to the compound, trying to figure out if she was going to be yelled at or congratulated.. or both.


"Have fun?" Steve asked with crossed arms and a not so excited look. "Because it looked like it."

Charlotte knew he was being sarcastic. Even when he was the little skinny boy, he was always like this whenever she did something he didn't like. "Steve you don't understand. I needed to." She said.

Steve sighed. "Right." He said, "you needed to kill a whole building of people?"

"I couldn't control that, Steve! If I could, I would've gotten the innocents out of there!" Charlotte argued. "You don't understand how.. how hard it is to continuously return to hydra facilities when I know I was most likely in that facility being tortured for years while every other normal human being was out living life!"

The room was silent. Everyone was invested to see how long Steve and Charlotte would argue for until we stopped and made up.

Steve just looked at Charlotte. "Well it was your choice to go there in the first place!" He said, "it was your fault they got you."

As much as Bucky wanted to step in, he knew Charlotte was too full of rage to let anyone else speak. She was staring Steve down, their angry eyes glaring at each other.

"Mhm.. right." She said, crossing her arms. "Because i was so busy watching your back and making sure no one got past where I stood so you could go ahead and save the day. The one guard that I just so happened to find with an American uniform on also happened to be a hydra agent. But you know, that's my fault."

Steve sighed. "Who's else's fault would it have been?!" He asked, frustrated.

"You two need to relax." Tony said, only to receive a deadly glare from the two.

Charlotte had enough of Steve, standing up and making her way out of the room. "I don't know who to blame. But I'm tired of blaming myself for everything. I'm tired of holding in my emotions and-and lying to you all saying I'm ok. I'm not ok!" She said, opening the door to leave. "And hydras gone by the way, so your welcome."

And with that, Charlotte was gone.

"Holy shit." Bucky said, taking a deep breath. "What the hell steve."

Natasha looked over to Bucky. "Your not going to follow her?" She asked.

Bucky shook his head no. "I've never seen her this fired up with rage. Plus, with what I've learned from angry Charlotte, never approach her right away after she was angry."

"Go find her." Tony said. "When Pepper gets angry like that, she gets even more pissed when I don't check on her."

Taking a deep breath, Bucky nodded and stood from his seat and left the room. He was nervous to find her, knowing there were a few ways it could go.

"Charlie girl? Where are you, doll?" He said, looking around the compound for Charlotte. "Charlie?"

After a failure of finding her inside the compound, Bucky started to make his way outside. "Steve I'm gonna Kill you." He said to himself, that being his plan if Charlotte wasn't outside.

"Charlie.. come on. Where are you?" He asked, stepping outside.

"Leave me alone." Bucky heard a stern voice say quietly from around the area. "I've already caused too much damage."

Bucky frowned, spotting the blonde sitting outside against the compounds walls with her head in her knees. Without a hesitation, Bucky brought himself to her side and sat down. "He didn't mean it Charlie." He reassured her.

Charlotte scoffed. "Of course he did, why else would he possibly say it?" She said, wiping her eyes. "Can we just.. can we just go home. I stink of fire."

Bucky nodded, standing up the pulling Charlotte up with him. "I'll go let them know we are leaving before we go."

"FRIDAY, Tell them we are leaving."
Charlotte said to the AI bot before Bucky could even go inside. "I just want to go." She said, turning to face Bucky.

Bucky put his arm around Charlotte and kissed her cheek. "Yeah, let's go home."

✔️BLAZE ||Bucky Barnes||Where stories live. Discover now