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Since, unfortunately, last chapter was the end of this book.. here's a nice little time skip to a few years in the future just so you all can see how it all played out...

-July 28th, 2030-

"Hey! You boys, I told you no pushing your sister in the pool." Bucky said to his two ten year old sons, lifting his little girl out of their pool. "Maggie girl, you alright?"

Margret "maggie" elizabeth Barnes. Daughter to James and Charlotte Barnes. Yes, they finally got married.

Both Tucker and Cameron sighed and crossed their arms. "But she was being annoying!" Tucker complained.

Charlotte came outside to see what was going on, looking around at the scene. Her six year old daughter was soaked, and her sons looked annoyed. "Maggs, what happened my baby girl?" Charlotte said, crouching down and watching as her daughter came running to her.

"Cameron and Tj pushed me in!" She complained.

Charlotte smirked and leaned closer to her ear. "Wanna get them back?" She whispered to her.

Maggie giggled and nodded her head, the mother daughter duo running at the boys. Once the big splash sounded, maggie was out of her mood and giggling.

"Mom!" The boys complained, swimming back up to the surface.

Bucky laughed, helping the two of them out. "Now your equal."

"Oh come on now.." Steve said, coming in through the back gate. "Every time I leave your family alone, I come back to something weird happening."

Charlotte laughed and went over to Steve, giving him a hug. "Well, the boys pushed maggie in the pool, so we pushed them in." She said, "what are you doing here anyways?"

Steve shrugged. "I can't come visit my best friends and my niece and nephew?" He asked with a small laugh, "plus, Fury needs me to do a quick mission for him so I'll be out of town for a week or two."

"Jesus Stevie, you've gotta take a break." Bucky said, wrapping maggie in a towel and tossing two more to the twins. "Try to settle down, you've been doing this for like ten years."

Steve sighed and sat down at the backyard table. "Well this keeps me busy, you know? I've been doing this my whole life basically, I don't know if I'm ready to stop that quite yet." He said, "and I'm afraid the second I step down, they'll replace me right away. This new system is-"

"Whack. I know." Charlotte cut him off, sitting down beside Bucky who had maggie on his lap. "But trust me Steve, this break is nice. Even Tony is on a break."

Steve shrugged. "Yeah I know, but he's also got a family now. I don't have that." He said, "you guys have that."

"Steve. You always have us, remember that." Charlotte said, "I don't care if you say other wise, but we are all always here for you whether you like it or not. Now after this mission, your going to relax and enjoy yourself for a little bit. Ok?"

"Yes maam." Steve said, laughing a little bit. He knew Charlotte meant well, and that she wasn't going to let it slide again.

"Uncle Steve, can we come with you?" Cameron asked.

Tucker laughed. "Yeah, we are good at fighting!"

"Absolutely not you two. Beating up kids at school isn't the same as your uncle Steve's missions." Bucky said, "which I hope your not doing by the way."

Charlotte smirked. "Unless they deserve it."


-October 14th, 2030-

Charlotte and Bucky were both sitting in the living room, cuddled together watching a movie when Charlottes phone began to ring.

"Who is it?" Bucky asked, looking at Charlottes face when she lifted the phone.

Charlotte looked concerned. "The school." She said, pressing the answer button. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Mrs Barnes?" The school secretary asked.

"Yes?" Charlotte said, "is everything alright?"

"Well, I've got your three kids in my office, there was an incident."

"Incident? What kind of incident? Are they ok?!"

Bucky sat up straight and furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing circles on Charlottes back as stress fulled her mind.

"Mrs Barnes, your kids are alright." The lady said, "there was a little fight that resulted in some black eyes and bruises."

Charlotte took a breath. "Did they attack each other?!"

"No, no." The lady said, "Margaret was being picked on by some of her classmates and your sons stepped in."

"Oh my god."

"But, their actions do come with consequences.. so I'm going to need them all to be home for three days to reflect on their mistakes."

"Their mistakes?! My daughter was being picked on but it's their mistake?!" Charlotte said, rage flowing through her veins. "What about the other kids, they're aren't being punished?"

"Mrs Barnes I'm not allowed to discuss with you the other kids consequences." The lady said. "I'm just asking you to come pick your kids up if possible."

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." Charlotte said, hanging up the phone and standing up. "Un-fucking believable."

Bucky stood up too, grabbing Charlottes shoulders. "What happened?" He asked, trying to calm her down before she went out driving.

Charlotte sighed. "The boys got into a fight and now the three of them are suspended." She said, grabbing the car keys.

Bucky's eyes went wide. "Holy shit." He said, grabbing the keys from Charlotte, "I'm coming, and your not driving. Your too angry and it will kill us."

Charlotte nodded and got in the passengers seat, Bucky in the drivers seat.

Once they got to the school, Charlotte went inside and straight to the main office to see her three kids sitting on a bench. Maggie in between the two twins crying on Cameron's shoulder.

Both of the twins had bruises, and Maggie had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Mrs Barnes." The secretary said, sliding a slip onto the desk. "I just need you to sign them out."

Charlotte nodded, signing down that she was taking the kids, then immediately left with them.

They all looked hesitant to speak to their mother, seeing how angry she looked scared them.

"What happened to you two." Bucky said to the twins as they got into the car, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"They we're picking on Maggie at recess!" Tucker said. "And mommy said don't hurt anyone unless they deserve it."

Charlotte sighed at her sons words, turning her head to face the kids. "But now you've gotten yourselves suspended." She said, "I need a full story before I'm letting any of you get away with it."

"We were in recess and josh pushed me off of the side." Maggie said through her little sniffles. "And then they came to help me!"

Bucky and Charlotte both looked at each other, both of them cracking a smile. "Is that true?" Bucky asked the boys.

"Yes." The said, eagerly nodding their heads.

Charlotte smiled and turned back to face the kids again. "I'm proud of you boys, sticking up for your sister." She said, "I think this calls for a McDonald's trip, what do you say james?"

The kids all smiled as Bucky nodded. "I think this does."

A/N: ok I don't know how to feel about this ending but i thinks it's so cute 🥲
But look out for my next book.. which I'm writing right after I save this chapter!
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