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-August 15th 2018: 100 years old-

"So your telling me that I can mind control people?!" Charlotte asked Tony as she stood in the lab with him and Bruce.

Bruce nodded and showed Charlotte a copy of her hydra file. "Look, hydra has your abilities listed down." He said, pointing to the "abilities" section.

Charlotte read the file, liking at each of her abilities. "Ok so we've got teleportation, flight, mind control, fire hands, fire balls, super soldier strength, skilled gun woman, and professional undercover agent." She read out loud. "So how do I read someone's mind?"

"FRIDAY, send maximoff in here." Tony said, "Wanda knows how to do that, she can help with that."

Charlotte nodded and looked at the file again. "Look.. I uh.. is there a way we could remove these types of powers?" She asked, looking down at the file. "It's not very pleasing to know the reasoning for having them.. and the pain I've caused to innocent people. Innocent families."

Bruce sighed. "Well I don't have the technology or training to do that here.. but I think I might know someone who can help.." he said, "but it could take months, even years."

Charlotte sighed as well, slumping down in her chair. "Has it ever worked for anyone? Wherever you went?"

"We brought Bucky there when we got him back." Steve said, entering the room with Wanda. "But he was there for two years getting the hydra programming out. Under the ice for one year, therapy for the other."

Charlotte nodded her head. "And where exactly is this place you sent him?"

Tony pulled a map up on the screen. "Right there." He said, placing a point on the map. "Wakanda, they have the most advanced technology. They keep themselves hidden from the world so no one ever tries to steal from them."

"So I either live with these powers or I can go there to get them fixed so I can live a normal life?" Charlotte asked, "because I don't know if spending two years away is what's best for me. I've only been back to myself for a month or two.. I cant leave James again."

Steve frowned, looking at the Blaze file. He looked at the photo that was on the file, Charlotte frozen in the ice chamber. "This is your decision to make, char." He said, "we just want you to be happy."

Charlotte looked away from the map on the screen, turning her head to face Steve. "Even if I do get this done, I still have the trauma.. t-the nightmares. All that changes is that I'm not under hydras control." She said, "now, I'm gonna go for a run. I'll be back later."

"But what about-"

"I don't need to learn mind control right now. I'll figure it out when the time comes." She said, stopping Tony from speaking. "I'll see you all later."


Charlotte ran around the area, going way out of her way to the woods. She liked to run there, no one would be there to bother her and no one would get to catch a glimpse of her.

As she ran, the sound of sticks breaking and leaves crackling filled her ears. "Who's there?" She asked, turning around and seeing no one was there.

Charlotte shook her head and turned around again, coming face to face with a man wearing a bow and arrow on his back, along with a sleeveless leather shirt, black pants, and boots.

"Who are you and what do you want." She demanded, glaring at the man.

The man smirked. "The real question is, who are you and why are you running in the woods?" He asked. "You look like someone a friend of mine has spoken about.. you got a name?"

Charlotte held her glare at the man, holding her purple flames in her hand. "Who's this friend of yours..?" She asked, holding the open flame close to his face.

"Tony stark. You know.. iron man, from the avengers. I'm Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye." The man said, "you must be the winter soldiers friend, the one who went undercover a few weeks ago?"

Charlotte dropped the flame. "How do you know about that?" She asked, "it's called undercover for a reason."

"I told you, I'm an avenger. I know everyone and everything that goes on there." Clint said, "your.. Charlotte, right? I know a girl who has purple fire when I see it."

Charlotte nodded. "The one and only." She said, shaking his hand. "So what exactly do you do that your in the middle of the woods..?"

Clint laughed, taking his bow and arrow off his back. "Although my skills are natural, I have to practice my aim. I've got a set up back here where I come to practice when I'm in town." He said, pointing to the small tree stand a few feet back with an archery set up.

Charlotte nodded, Examining the set up. "So there's more avengers than I thought.. huh." She said, "I've known Steve and James, and I've met You, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, Banner, and Thor. Is there anyone else I should know about?"

Clint nodded. "You meet Vision yet? He's pretty hard to miss.. a big red robot man."

"I'll keep an eye out." Charlotte said with a small laugh. "-but do you have any advice to fit in there..?"

Clint put an arrow in his bow and aimed at the target. "Well, Stark's not my biggest fan.. but they like when you keep it real with them. Cap and Natasha are big on the trust thing." He said, getting a bullseye. "Thor isn't around much, Bruce's big thing is to not stress him out or else the big guy comes out-"

"The big guy?" Charlotte asked. "Who's the big guy?"

Clint laughed. "You haven't had a hulk encounter yet.. have you?" He asked, "boy your in for a treat. Just a word of advice, keep your distance from him when he's angry and turning green."

Charlotte nodded, looking at the time on her watch. "Shit. I've gotta get going. It's been like two and a half hours since I left for my run-" she said, "-I guess I'll see you at the compound sometime?" She asked Clint, putting her hand out for him to shake.

"Till next time." He said, shaking her hand and smiling. "Get home safe."

"Oh that won't be an issue." She said with a smirk, teleporting away.

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