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The remaining avengers stood in the lab room, watching as Tony carefully place each stone in its place on the gauntlet. Charlotte could tell he was scared, knowing that the snap would change everything back to normal.

Both her and Tony each had the same reason to be scared. Their kids. They didn't know if changing everything would mean that their kids would disappear, and Charlotte was praying to god that she wouldn't lose her boys.

"You remember– everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years." Tony said to Bruce who was holding the gauntlet to his hand. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?"

"On it boss."

Bruce put the gauntlet over his large green hand, mumbling to himself "everyone comes home." He said, a large surge of pain flowing through his body as the power of the stones increased.

Charlotte stood behind Steve, not willingly though, he didn't want her to get hurt if something were to happen.

Bruce looked like he was in pain, his fingers barely coming together as he snapped, then fell to the ground. The gauntlet slid off of his arm and Clint took the chance the kick it away.

"Bruce, Bruce you ok?" Steve asked while Tony cooled off the green mans arm.

Bruce nodded, watching as Scott walked off the look hot the window. Charlotte could see the happiness in scotts eyes as he looked outside. "Guys.. I think it wo-"

Unfortunately, Scott was cut off by the compound being attacked. Missiles coming from every direction which were being fired from a large ship.

No one had a chance to react to it, each of them being separated by the impact. Charlotte found herself to be pretty far from where she was, looking to see she was stuck under a bunch of debris. "Does anyone copy?!" She shouted into the sunglasses microphone and loudly incase it was disconnected.


All she could hear was the building slowly, but surely, crumbling down. That, and a large flow of water most likely coming her way from broken pipes.

"STEVE!" She shouted, knowing he was the only person who could possibly help her and get the least hurt. "ANYBODY! Come on!"

When she didn't get a response, she thought that was it. She thought she was about to die. Until an idea came to mind.

Charlotte thought long and hard to try and teleport herself out, but that didn't work. Then, she thought to try and burn the debris to dust so she could at least get up. Luckily for her, that worked.

The way up to ground level was pretty far, but she knew she could manage. "I've got the gauntlet!" She heard Clint shout from not too far away, or above.

"CLINT! DOWN HERE!" She yelled, although the sound of running filled her ears. Then she realized, Clint was being chased by.. aliens?

Charlotte took a deep breath, then managed to fly herself to his level. "KEEP GOING, I've got this." She said to him stopping infront of the aliens.

"Charlotte no, I cant leave you here." He said, although he continued to run. "Yeah, yeah I found her cap." He then said into his earpiece.

"Barton just RUN." She said, throwing fire balls at the aliens.

Once she could see he was out, she allowed for the building to burst into flames. She knew Tony would freakout, but there was no saving the building after the attack.

Lucky for her, she was able to fly out of there just in time. Then she saw what looked like superhero heaven.. but destroyed.

Golden portals were formed all around the area dozens of people coming from each while somehow Thanos and his army stood opposite of them.

"AVENGERS.. assemble." Steve shouted into the earpiece, which Charlotte appeared to be reconnected to, and everyone beginning to run towards the alien army.

Charlotte followed the hero army, flying towards Thanos. She wanted a piece of him first. So, that's exactly what she did.. even though Wanda beat her to it.

"Good to see you." Charlotte said, joining Wanda in attacking Thanos. While Wanda lifted Thanos in the air, Charlotte took it upon herself to light him on fire.

Wanda smirked at Charlotte. "There she is." She said with a small laugh. Thanos however wasn't laughing, instead he was shooting missiles at them.

"Oh shit." Charlotte said, being thrown back by the missiles. "How the fuck am I alive?!"

"Sparks, now isn't the time to worry about that!" Thor said through the earpiece. "Has anyone seem mjölir?"

Charlotte spotted the hammer on the ground beside her, smirking as the grasped the handle and lifted it. "Oh Thanos.. just you wait." She said with a smirk, somehow managing to send a wave of fire at the army.

Thor began to proudly laugh, looking at the girl in shock. "I knew it!" He said, "I told you sergeant!"

"Wait." Charlotte said, "he's here?!" She asked, continuing to attack thanos's army. "james don't you dare die!"

As the fight continued, Charlotte watched as peter literally flew above her, holding onto Thor's hammer. "Hey Pete!" She shouted as he flew by.

"Has Anyone seen an ugly brown van?!" Steve asked, "it's our only shot!"

A female voice joined, her accent sounding like Thor's. "I see it, but you won't like where it is." The woman said, Charlotte noticing a literal unicorn flying above her.

"Hey tic tac, how long do you need to get that working?" Charlotte asked, spotting the ugly brown van not too far away.

Scott sighed. "Ten minutes?" He said in almost a question. "Yeah, ten minutes."

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you." Steve said, confident that they would get this done. "Charlotte, you watch out for anyone who try's to attack."

"Yes Sparks, burn them to death my mortal!" Thor said, over excited for how well they were doing.

Charlotte laughed. "You got it, thunderstruck." She said, referring to thor. "I've got eyes on.. Tony?!"

The blonde was shocked to see Tony and Thanos fighting for the gauntlet, watching at Tony just about had it off of the purple creature. "Tony are you insane?!" She asked, although she continued to kick Thanos away and the gauntlet flew off.

Instead of grabbing the whole gauntlet, Tony grabbed the stones and but then onto his own gauntlet.

"Tony no.." Charlotte said, listening to Thanos go on about how he was inevitable, not realizing he didn't have the stones.

Tony took a deep breath and Charlotte watched as he slipped on the gauntlet. "And I– am– Iron Man." He said, snapping his own fingers together.


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