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Charlotte and Steve snuck their way out of the building, Steve still in shock that whatever just happened, happened. "How the heck was I do gullible?" He asked.

"Because you were a new guy from the 40's." Tony said, meeting them outside with Scott and Bruce.

Charlotte noticed that they came back empty handed, besides Bruce. "Stark don't tell me you fucked it up.." she said, giving him a look.

Tony sighed. "Yeah well.." he started, "I know where we can get it, and more particles to get back."

Steve and Charlotte each have each other a look, then Tony the same look. "We'll stroll down memory lane. Military installation, Garden State."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "Your sure they are both there?" She asked.

"They were there at a– I've a vaguely exact idea." Tony said, scratching the back of his neck.

Steve sighed at Tony, not wanting to risk getting stuck in the past. "How vague?"

"I know for a fact they were there-" Tony began to ramble, "And I know how I know."

Scott looked at the group in confusion. "WHOS they?" He asked, "guys what's up? What is it?"

The group ignored Scott's questions, putting in the date to go back in time. "Cap. Captain. Steve, sorry, America. Rogers. Look, if you do this, and this doesn't work, you're not coming back." Scott said, mumbling on in concern.

Charlotte laughed a little bit, patting Scott's shoulder. "Great pep talk tic tac." She said, "plus, that's probably the closest me and Steve will get to going back to our time."

"Scott, bring that back to the compound, we will meet you there." Steve said, the three of them going farther back in time to the military base.

-April 7th, 1970: New Jersey Military Base-

The three avengers managed to disguise themselves into some clothes that would help them blend in, Steve and Charlotte being extra careful to disguise themselves well enough since they were both well known.

"Ok, Tony you get the tesseract, me and Steve will get the particles." Charlotte said, the three of them getting into the elevator.

Tony nodded while Steve fixed his hat to cover his face more. "Are you guys new?" A lady asked as she entered the elevator.

Charlotte did a nervous laugh, trying to hide her trembling hand. "Yeah, visitors from MIT." Tony said, moving up to block Steve's face from the lady.

She just nodded while everyone exited the elevator, splitting up to where they needed to go.

Charlotte and Steve made their way to Hank Pyms lab, spotting the viles of particles in the protective case. Each of them grabbed a bunch and quickly left the room. "That was easy." Charlotte whispered to Steve.

"Not easy enough.." Steve whispered back, spotting the lady from the elevator walking with guards, complaining about three strangers.

Charlottes eyes went wide as she pulled Steve into the closest room, both of them taking deep breaths. "Shit. We are screwed." She said.

Steve seemed to be focused on whoever else was in the room, a look of heartbreak in his eyes. "Steve what's wro-" Charlotte began to ask, but paused when she noticed Peggy and a young girl.

What wasnt adding up to this was how similar the girl looked to Steve. But then she spotted the photo of Steve before the serum placed on peggys desk.

"Mom can we get some lunch now?" The girl asked Peggy, Steve's eyes going wide and a hurt look going into his face.

Peggy looked annoyed. "Charlotte Sarah Rogers I told you we've gotta wait till I can get my lunch break."

Now Charlottes eyes were wide, slowly turning her head to look at Steve. "Y-you have a kid?!" She asked in an aggressive whisper.

Steve shrugged, still in total shock. "I guess so.." he said, "she's beautiful.."

Charlotte frowned, but continued to grab Steve's arm. "We've gotta go, Tony is waiting." She said, "and our escape is going to be hard."

Steve just nodded, taking one last look at Peggy and his apparent daughter, then followed Charlotte out.


When they made it outside, Charlotte spotted Tony talking to Howard and Howard's butler, Edwin Jarvis. She remembered meeting Edwin for the first time, he wasn't able to stop helping everyone. He was a nice man.

Steve motioned for Tony to hurry up, Charlotte watching as the father and son hugged eachother goodbye. Although, she knew that Howard probably didn't know who Tony actually was.

"They almost names me Elmonzo..." Tony said when he got over to both Charlotte and Steve. "How was your mission?"

Steve still seemed to be in shock, constantly staring off and daydreaming. "What's wrong with cap?" Tony asked, looking at Charlotte since Steve was totally zoned out.

"He just found out he's got a kid." Charlotte said. "Peggy named her after me."

Tony looked just as shocked, not knowing what to do. "Holy shit." He said, "look, we've gotta get back before Scott breaks something. hes like a five year old man."

Charlotte laughed and elbowed Steve in the side. "Come on, Stevie. We gotta go." She said, grabbing his attention.

Steve nodded and soon enough, they were back in the quantum realm flying back to the present time.


"Did that actually work..?" Rhodey asked with a smile, everyone else smiling except clint.

Charlotte and Bruce both immediately noticed why. "Clint.. where's nat?" Bruce asked the man, who appeared to be drenched.

Clint looked extremely sad, doing whatever it took to mee from breaking down. "It was supposed to be me. She sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone. She bet her life on it." He said, running his hands through his hair.

Charlotte felt her stomach sink, finding out her only female best friend since Peggy and technically Wanda was dead. The auntie nat her twins once knew was gone, and she would be the one who has to tell them. "Clint.." she said, carefully approaching the man and giving him a hug.

Clint hugged Charlotte back, crying into her shoulder. "We can get her back.. we have to.." Charlotte tried to reassure him, "the stone, you she sacrificed herself for it?"

Clint nodded. "A soul for a soul."

"So then technically when we return the stones, she is the soul that we would get in return." Charlotte said. "Have a little hope."

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