The Outlaws' Return

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Liam heard the creaking of the bed as Arthur climbed out of it. Liam sat up, looking to his left to see no sign of Javier. "Where's Javier?" Liam asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. Arthur looked over to him, a look of concern in his washing over his face. "Check your stuff for anything missing." Arthur instructed as the two did in a hasty manner. Liam rummaged through his things to find nothing missing. "I swear, if that son of a-" Arthur said, cutoff by the door opening and Javier walking in, his hands full. He held four cups of coffee in his arms. "Beunos dias, amigos." Javier said with a smile, setting the cups down on the table. "Where you been?" Arthur asked. "Getting some morning refreshment before the journey ahead of us, why?" Javier asked, perplexed. "Nothing. Just curious is all." Arthur said, grabbing a cup as Liam did the same. It tasted different than normal. It was sweet. Liam actually kind of enjoyed it, Arthur, not so much.

"I went down to the jail to check on Francisco and he's still there. Guard kept his word." Javier informed them. "Good. Thanks, Javier." Arthur said, putting his clothes on. Liam slid his black shirt and brown leather shotgun chaps on for the journey ahead of them. He thought to himself about trusting Javier. He knew it wasn't going to be immediately, but he hoped the man wouldn't give him a reason not to. John rolled out of bed, seeming to cling to the last bit of sleep he could. Liam laughed at the sight as John rubbed his eyes. The four went to the jail. Francisco cussed them in Spanish as he was loaded onto the back of a horse.

They waved goodbye to the citizens of Chuparosa as they walked out of the gates in the early morning hours. Francisco started to yell before Arthur knocked him unconscious with a hard fist, making Liam smirk. "Never shuts up, huh?" Liam asked. "Apparently not." John griped. "Let's just get the asshole back to the states." Arthur said as the group rode down the dirt road. Liam daydreamed during the ride of the gang finally settling down at Warthington Ranch. He also started to find himself dreaming of a girl to spend time with. He shook his head to get rid of the thought. He didn't have time for romance. He had a mission to accomplish first, getting a home.

As they were about to turn onto the path that led to the border crossing, they heard horse hooves coming at them, and fast. Liam shot up and turned towards the sound in alert. "Give us back our amigo, and you may live, pendejos!" A man yelled, firing his gun. "Shoot, boys!" Arthur yelled. Liam instinctively reached for his Schofield Revolver that Landon Ricketts had given him and started shooting. The Mexicans attempted to surround them, but seemed to be plucked away one by one by the gang. Fransico screamed in anger. "You cabrons! Those were mi amigos! You killed them! You are no better than me, I tell you! No better than me!" He yelled. Arthur looked back at him. "I ain't in the game to be better than anyone else. I'm in it to survive." Arthur said menacingly. Francisco sighed and looked to Javier. "You. You are a traitor to the people of Mexico. Selling your soul to the white man. Killing your own. You shame Mexico." He told Javier. Javier looked back at him. "You people are nothing to me. You treated me like I was dirt. Like I didn't matter. You disgust me." Javier said to him. Liam had agreed with what Arthur had said. He felt the same way. He wondered what Javier felt when he told Martinez that.

The four crossed over the border once again into the states. Arthur stopped the posse on the American side of the border. He hopped off of his horse and grabbed a bandana. He proceeded to tie it around Francisco's mouth. "There. Now your buddies ain't gonna hear a thing." He said, climbing back on his horse. "We should've done that the second we found him." John said with a small laugh. "Muzzle him like the perro he is." Javier said as the group rode on. "Next time I go to a foreign country, make sure it's for vacation purposes only." Arthur said. "Noted." Liam said back. The group rode back into Rio Bravo, strategically avoiding Fort Mercer. Francisco knew his time was up.

"It's different being back in America again. Never thought this day would come." Javier told them. "Why?" Liam asked. "Because I messed up. Big time. Leaving the only people who cared for me for a snake. Loyalty ain't what it's been made out to be." Javier inquired. "Depends on who you're loyal to." John said. "What do you mean?" Javier asked him. "I think you know. Dutch had a silver tongue and a mind like no other. And with Micah in his ear, his manipulation ate us alive. Some more than others." John said. "You're right. I can only try and make things right with you guys." Javier said as the group rode on.

They finally saw Armadillo in the distance. He breathed a sigh of relief. America was alive and well, just as when he'd left three days before. They rode into the town with the citizens looking in awe at the bandito tied on the back of Arthur's horse. The posse stalled their horses at the hitches and brought the Mexican inside. Sheriff Johnson looked at them, his feet on the desk and a toothpick in his mouth. "The outlaw's return. Put that piece of shit in the cell beside you." The officer told Arthur. Morgan did as he was told and threw Francisco into the cell, locking it behind him. He looked to the Sheriff, wanting an answer. Johnson knew, and stood up.

"You did as you said you would, and now I will keep my word. I'll help you boys get that land on Hennigan's Stead. Come see me sometime tomorrow, we'll discuss details then." Johnson said, sliding them some cash for their efforts. Arthur picked it up, nodded and walked out. His three companions following.

"Finally. Let's hope that Sheriff keeps his word." Liam said. "He will." Arthur assured them. "I don't know about y'all, but I am ready to be back at camp." John said, Liam and Arthur agreeing as the rode in the afternoon sun. Arthur noticed Javier's quietness. "Yeah, it's gonna take some getting used to, uh, you coming back to the gang after... well, you know." Arthur told him. "I know. I know. If they all hate me, I won't blame them. I broke the bond. They have every right." Javier said. "I think things will go back to normal soon enough." Liam told him as they rode up the ridge into Hennigan's Stead.

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