The sun started to set as the camp was shuffling, trying to get things together. "Get them bags packed up quick, Miss Grimshaw. Come on, all of you." Micah ordered. "Well we're doing our best." Susan griped, annoyed. "Hurry, we ain't got long. Hurry!" Micah yelled to them. "We just got plenty of time, Micah. We all need to have a little chat." Arthur said as he and Liam rode in.
"Cowpoke, you're back, and with your lost puppy, hooray." Micah said sarcastically as Arthur and Liam got off their horses. Everyone stared. "I just saw Agent Milton, Dutch. Abigail shot him. She's okay, not that you care too much about that. You rats, all of you. Seems ole Micah was pretty close with Milton." Arthur said, staring Micah down. "What the hell are you taking about, Cowpoke?" Micah asked, getting defensive. "You talked." Arthur said. "That's a goddamn lie." Micah argued. "Dutch." Arthur said. "Dutch, think of the future." Micah enticed. "Milton told me." Arthur said. "And you believe him, Cowpoke? You believe him?" Micah asked.
"It all makes sense now." Arthur said. "No, it damn well doesn't." Micah said. As the last word left his tongue, Arthur pulled out his revolver and aimed it at Micah, as did Liam. Cleet and Joe pointed their guns at the two. "Dutch, think." Arthur pleaded. "Dutch, be practical now." Micah said. "Dutch!" A voice screamed from across camp. It was John. "John?" Bill asked, confused. Liam didn't take his eyes off of Joe or Cleet. "You left me, you left me to die!" John yelled, limping up to Arthur and Liam's side. "My boy, I didn't have a choice. John, I didn't-" Dutch said. "You left me!" John said in hurt and anger.
"All of you. You pick your side now, because this is over. All them years Dutch, for this snake?" Arthur asked. Micah laughed. "Oh, be quite Cowpoke. You live in the clouds." Micah said. "No, you be quiet, Mr. Bell, and put down your gun." Susan said, walking up between Arthur and John, pointing her double barreled shotgun at Micah. "There's Pinkertons coming, and fast." Javier said, running up. A shotgun went off. Cleet fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Susan shot had him in the stomach.
Dutch quickly pulled out his pistol and revolver, pointing them both ways. "Now! Who amongst you, is with me, and who, is betraying me?" Dutch asked as the group started to circle around the camp, Arthur's side moving towards the cave, not letting their guard down. Cleet groaned in agony as he slowly died. Liam didn't let his guard down. "Bill, Javier. Think, think for yourself!" Arthur pleaded. Micah and Joe joined Dutch, Bill and Javier as they stood off. Liam subtly noticed Javier pointing his gun at the sky instead of at them. "He's lying. He's lying." Micah hissed. Liam was heartbroken at Dutch's choice. "Seems as the lines are drawn now." Liam said to himself.
"Put your guns down!" A voice yelled in the distance. A bullet flew towards them. Everyone ran and took cover. "Goddamnit, move!" Dutch yelled as his side ran west of Beaver Hollow. "Y'all ready?" Arthur asked. "Yeah." They all replied. "This is Agent Ross with the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Put your guns down!" He yelled. The four shot at the approaching Pinkertons. "Dutch, we gotta move! They're all yours, Morgan!" Micah yelled as he rode off with Dutch. "Come on, into the caves, quick!" John yelled to them. The four ran, following John. Liam made Susan go in front of him to ensure her protection. Ross ordered for them to be chased down as they ran through the caves.
"Mr. Morgan, Mr. Marston, Mr. Parker and the woman, we have you surrounded. Surrender now and we'll take you alive." Ross' voice echoed through the cave. Liam heard bullets ricochet off the walls of the cave as the four ran around the rocks. He ran faster. "Those bastards left me for dead!" John said as they ran. "Seems that's what they do now." Arthur said as they approached a ladder. "And to think we was a family." Susan yelled. "Stay with me!" John yelled as he climbed. Liam followed the three up the ladder.
"Micah was the rat, John. Milton told me." Arthur said as they climbed up a wall. "We should've killed him months ago." John said. "You ain't lying." Liam agreed. They ran up a makeshift ramp over the rocks. Liam knew it couldn't have been easy on Miss Grimshaw. They climbed a shorter wall and made it to the last ladder out of the cave. "I want them out of there now! Dead or alive!" Ross' voice rang through the cave. John made everyone go up the ladder before him. They made it out of the cave and ran down the hill in the dead of the night. Fog surrounded the area. Everyone was out of breath.
ActionLiam Parker is a newly 17-year-old in search of a new life, who has an accidental encounter with a member of the Van der Linde Gang that changes his life forever. *Red Dead Redemption II is owned by Rockstar Games. I do not own or take credit of any...