Chapter Five- Unwanted Trouble

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            Two weeks have passed since the first day of summer and every night I hung out with Saki on the beach and recently we've been going to our little makeshift home. But today me and Ken went over to her house, when we knocked on the door Shouko opened the door and smiled when she saw Ken and gave him a high five, but then glared in my direction while walking back inside. "Mama! Ken and Ruisu came over!" She yelled to her mother who was presumably upstairs. We walked in and sat in the living room, Ken turned on the tv and flipped to a channel he watches at our house too. Ken comes here often to hang out with Shouko and I come every other day or so. Ken and Shouko started talking and having fun with each other but I would sometimes see Shouko shift her eyes in my direction.

            I started walking upstairs after about a couple more times of Shouko acting weird towards me and when I start making my way to Saki's door I hear frantic footsteps behind me. When I turn around I come face to face to Shouko staring up at me. "I saw you two that night..." she said, "why was she on top of you? What were you two doing? What have you been doing together? Why have-" before she could finish her barrage of questions Saki opened her door and started walking to the bathroom before she bumped into me. She looked up at me and blushed beet red. She gave me a quick hug and ran to the bathroom with a towel and some clothes. I blush a bit and look back at Shouko, "we didn't do anything weird don't worry." I said in a reassuring tone. Shouko looked at me with worried eyes. "You know the reason she doesn't talk is because she's mute right? She's weird and super, super, antisocial. People always try and talk to her but they rather me instead because they end up finding me more approachable." She said in a rude and straightforward manner. "Isn't that your sister? How can you say stuff like that about her?" I said kinda annoyed at this point. "I'm not lying, she really is weird and kinda a loner. She doesn't even go to school." She said while crossing her arms. I started walking past her. "I don't think she's the weird one, I think it's all of you who don't understand her." I said. I feel and leg against my shin and trip. When I fall to the ground Shouko sits on top of me like she saw Saki do that night in the cave. "What are you doing?!" I said. She grabs my hands while blushing. "I don't understand why you'd like her more than the obvious better one in front of you right now!" She said. The bathroom door opened and we both looked to see Saki staring at us. "Saki wait! Don't jump to conclusions!" I said reaching my hand out to her. A tear ran down her face as she ran to her room. Shouko smiled and tried to wrap my arms around her. "I deserve you more than her. Do what you do with her with me instead!" She said happily. Me now somewhat angered- for the first time ever, I get up and she falls off me. I turn away from her and walk downstairs.

            Both of our families and some others go down to the beach. Ken and I run into the Fuma Brothers who are around Kens height. Goni who is the older brother has white and green hair, he stands at 164 cm and is the smarter of the two while his younger brother Sen has dark green hair and is 174 cm, he is the more athletic of the two. Tagging along with the Fuma Brothers is Lua Hikamora one of my childhood friends. She has light pinkish hair and is the shortest of all of us at about 146.30 cm. We all go to the same school back in Musutafu and usually hangout during the summer whenever we are all together. In the distance Shouko was running over to us waving. "Hey wait for me!" She shouted. Saki was slowly trailing along with her. I walked over to her, when I got close she stopped and stared at me. "Listen what you saw earlier wasn't what you think it was ok? She tripped me and climbed on top of me despite me trying to get up." I whispered to her so others couldn't hear. Shouko saw me talking to her and walked over. "Hey Ruisu! Come here we're about to go dig a huge hole in the sand!" She said with half assed excitement. "Oh and sorry sis I know how much you hate crowds. So you wouldn't wanna come would you, Right?" She asked sarcastically. I was good at seeing through her bullshit. "Well Saki you know you could come and watch, but don't have to help if you want." I said as I reached for her hand. Sen saw this and walked over. "Who are these two?" He asked. I pointed to Shouko. "This is-" and before I could introduce her she exclaimed, "I'm Shouko Kurosawa! And the better looking sister!" She pointed to Isaki. "And this is my older sister who's mute, Isaki." She said.

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