Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Melissa was over before I had gotten out of Parker's room. Thankfully I was able to scamper back to my room across the hallway, but that meant I ran directly into my mother. And she could tell from the look on my face that I was trying to hide something.

"You slept with Parker last night?"

I stand up taller, squaring my shoulders. There was no sense in lying. "Yes."

She takes a breath, and I know she is calculating what she should say. "Just be safe, Ren..."

I cut her off. "Mom. It was just sleeping, nothing else." Besides, when his arms explored most of my body, and he tried to kiss even more. But I could not think about that in front of her. She must believe me or is like me and would instead put that sex talk on hold. She had already given me plenty throughout my high school years. Not much would be different from the previous ones.

She lets me know that my dad had booked three flights back for the following morning after the game. And if she says if Dad is annoyed that Parker is coming with for Christmas, she does not say.

When we make our way down to the kitchen, I can hear Melissa quizzing Parker why he would be leaving for Christmas.

"I need to be there, Melissa." His tone was stern; he never talked to Melissa like this.

She throws her arms up as if she is not getting anywhere with him. "But why? You two already live together, why would you need to go back to her house? Unless.."

I cut in. "It's my fault." Neither of us had told Melissa about my past and what had been occurring. Instead of making Parker tell her, I tell her about the abusive relationship I had been in. I also tell her how I had never realized how bad it really was until I came to Michigan State. And that it escalated the past few weeks after my father had redshirted him for the season.

Melissa's father had stepped in at some point in this conversation. His voice startled me when he said, "Who is your father?"

"Coach Renner," my voice was small, knowing that he would have some sort of reaction.

He nods.

Melissa is the one that reacts. "You are Coach Renner's daughter?"

I nod.

Parker's father speaks again. "Parker will be staying in Michigan."

Parker whips around, his face taking on a level of anger I did not know he could show. 

Stepping toward his father. "Excuse me?"

His father holds his hands up. "Renee is more than welcome to join us for our Christmas, son." And I wonder if he recalls the conversation where he asked if I was a distraction. He continues. "Which I think would be wiser than bringing her home where this boy could be lurking around. Does he know how to get into the house?"

I nod. My mother looks over at me. "He has all the codes to get in." She still did not know that there were nights he would stay over and then leave before school, or he would just wait and give me a ride to school. Her face goes white.

"Then it is settled that Renee and Parker will stay here where it is safer. If her father has questions, he can call me directly." He reaches into his pocket and slips a card out; he hands it to my mother, who does not say anything. It was my father who would be making the final call. She nods and holds onto his card. "Excuse me. I have some work that needs to be finished." He walks down to the office, and I am glad that I had the common sense to clean the desk after my last study session there.

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