Chapter 11 - The Kiss

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March 13th

I hear the front door open and close, signaling the arrival of Mitch and Jerome. I get dressed in a white tank top that I had custom made with all of my favorite band names on it. In bigger font it was All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, and We are the in crowd, in smaller it was Paramore, My Chemical Romance, and Linkin Park. I also pulled on a pair of Jane's high waisted shorts.

I walk out into the living room to see Jerome sitting on the couch. I yawn and sit down next to him smiling, I lay my head on his shoulder and say "Good Morning" he looked a bit conflicted when I walked in but smiled at me and says"good morning" Brianna walks in and frowns at us but Jerome ignores it and lays his head in my lap. My hands automatically style it normally then I just run my hands through it.

Jane and Mitch walk in and Jane whines "Jerome move I wanna sit on the couch" he whines back in a similar tone "How about a quarter passed not happening" I laugh at his reference and Mitch smiles. We hang out for a bit longer and Jerome says bye to Brianna. Mitch and Jane take Bri to the airport leaving us alone.

Jerome sits up next to me and traces the tattoos on my arm, giving me goosebumps. "I was going to ask you out last night" looking just as shocked as I did. I freeze and stutter "wh why didn't you?" I ask. He shrugs letting his hands move down to my hand "You were paying so much attention to Rob-" he starts. I don't let him finish and I kiss him, then and there.

Sparks fly and I feel and electrical current pass through my body. We separate and I blush "Well" I say looking at my hands which Jerome was still playing with. I bite my lip and he says "Well will you go out with me?" I let out a giggle and say "of course" kissing him again. I wrap my arms around his neck and he let's his and rest on my waist.

We kiss for a little bit longer when Mitch and Jane walk in through the front door, Jane giggling and Mitch saying something to her. We automatically break apart and I blush, Mitch tells Jane "I told you so" I stare at my hands and Jerome puts his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest and Mitch and Jane cuddle up in another chair.

We watched the Hunger Games and Jerome absent mindedly plays with a strand of my hair. I look over at Mitch and Jane and feel jealous they were doing cute couple things. Mitch was putting his head in her neck and a couple of other cute things. That's when I realized, those are things Jerome and I just do in general, if a stranger walked in on a normal day me and Jerome would look like a couple.

I smile and scoot around until I'm comfortable up against Jerome. He stops playing with my hair and we're at the part where Rue dies, I look away and hear Jerome chuckle. We finish watching it and move on to Catching Fire, in the middle I get up and make us popcorn. As I wait for the second bag to pop, Jerome walks in and wraps his arms around my waist.

I smile and he rests his chin on the top of my head, the microwave beeps and i pour the popcorn into two bowls. We walk back out and hand Mitch and Jane a bowl of popcorn. The games start and my eyelids start drooping. I snuggle up to Jerome and fall asleep, smiling.



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<3 DarkStar

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