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It was when they finally thought it was over.

Aizawa had gained clearance for the students to quarantine themselves in their dorms after Asui contracted stomach flu from her siblings.

Of course, Momo and Uraraka were always ones who wanted to help fellow classmates, so they took the role of making her soup and bringing her water. Changing her bucket, and helping her to the bathroom when needed.

When Asui got better, it was only a matter of time before the two started feeling sick. Mina felt bad for not helping with Tsuyu, so she and Hagakure, along with Sato and Ojiro, served as the 'mothers' for Uraraka and Momo.

They got sick, followed by Kirishima, Midoriya, Bakugo, Tokoyami and Shouji, Kouda and Mineta, Aoyama and Jiro, Sero, and Iida.

Todoroki knew his immune system was practically gold, but he'd never had the flu before, and never even heard of stomach flu. So he wasn't going to test his luck.

He all but taped his door shut and quarantined himself as long as possible.

Kaminari as well. Nobody would have guessed, but he took sickness very seriously.

Most elemental quirks did. Because it wasn't just a health hazard at that point. It could be life or death.

They rejoined the class after they heard Sero was better, and nobody had any symptoms for a day.

Iida hadn't been a part of that report, so they mistakenly got sick from their class rep. Aizawa gave them each pain relievers, since he knew their quirks would hurt them. They were practically living off of them.

Kaminari retched into the toilet, his sweat-slicked forehead sliding across the porcelain in a gross display of exhaustion.

"I can't even throw anything up." He panted out, and Kirishima patted his back.

Holding an ice pack to the electric quirk teen's neck, he let out a small laugh. "Iida feels super bad. He said once you two get better he'll make you a feast-"

"Not food." Todoroki managed from the other stall, and his words were followed by a dry heave and a sob.

"Yea, sorry. Forgot. You need anything in there, Todoroki?"

Todoroki muttered something to Tokoyami, who was currently holding ice against his neck. Tokoyami shook his head and sighed. "He said his dignity would be great right about now."

Kirishima's laugh echoed off of the tiled walls, and somehow, stomach flu could make things sound disgusting. Both boys lurched forward in unison, expelling bile and spit from their weakened bodies.

"Hand me a cracker, Todoroki."

"Not food."

Kaminari reached weakly over Todoroki, who had his eyes shut tightly as he focused on not puking anymore.

Kaminari bit into the cracker, the taste suddenly disgusting, despite it only being a saltine. He spit it out into his bucket and leaned back.

"I'm starving." Kaminari's complained.

It was the middle of the night, both boys were in the common rooms with the tv on low, neither paying attention to whatever was playing.

"Then eat." Todoroki deadpanned, voice breather than usual as he pulled his blanket up further on himself.

Denki managed the first laugh in days. "You're really- a hoot, Todoroki. A real- damn it-"

Todoroki scrambled for Denki's bucket before his vomit could soak the floor. Kaminari muttered through heaves about thanks or something else Todoroki couldn't hear.

The sight and smell of vomit had Todoroki reaching for his own bucket and letting warm spit fall to the bright green bottom. Then without warning, he heaved and that stinging, disgusting bile exited his body, leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, tired from literally losing his lunch. He was fighting hard not to set himself aflame or freeze himself inside out, but it was getting harder.

A familiar plastic bottle was held to his lips by an even more familiar shaky hand, and Todoroki allowed the flavored sports drink to slide down his throat, the only thing he could keep down.

Kaminari lowered the bottle from Todoroki's lips. "What'd you say was in these?"

Todoroki swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Electrolytes. You should drink some too."

"Electricity? I already got that." Kaminari smiled. Todoroki rolled his eyes at the joke Denki had made for the fifth time since receiving the drink.

After that, the two fell asleep on opposite sides of the couch, a sports drink between them.

"Todoroki, can you hear me?"

Kaminari shook Todoroki's shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. It was still dark out, so he assumed it was early morning.

He'd thrown up on Todoroki's blanket, on Todoroki. He didn't have time to be embarrassed before he felt the searing heat coming from Todoroki's body. He had to wrap his hand in his pillows in order to even touch him.

He gathered the blanket he'd dirtied, leaving Todoroki blanketless with only his tank top and sweatpants to hide his seriously scorching body.

Kaminari called Jirou, since he didn't want to scroll through his phone to find Momo's.

"Dude, it's like 2 am what do you want?"

Kaminari hushed his own voice and continued to shake Todoroki with the pillow. "I threw up on Todoroki, and he's seriously hot."

He could practically hear Jirou's eyes rolling. "Why'd you call me?"

"Come down here and bring Momo!" He whisper yelled. "Maybe Iida too. Todoroki's really burning up."

Iida joined Yaomomo and Jirou in the common rooms. Momo was already taking the soiled blanket, and Jirou was reaching g her hand out to Todoroki's forehead.

Todoroki was practically panting as he slept. Iida didn't like the look of it, so he felt Todoroki's forehead for himself.

"Hm, even his right side is abnormally hot. If this continues he might get heat stroke. I'll run to the teacher dorms and tell Sensei."

He'd spent the night in the infirmary with his students, watching as Recovery girl ran liquids through their veins and kept their temperatures down.

Todoroki's quirk had gone haywire, and he was suddenly so much more appreciative of Iida, as Todoroki could have burnt down all of UA in his sleep. Not to mention killed himself.

Now, Kaminari and Todoroki were talking to eachother, already feeling better than the night before. Rehydrated and able to go more than five minutes without vomiting. Less than ten though.

When Kaminari sneezed and caused the lights to flicker because of the outburst of electricity, Aizawa mentally added these two to his list of problem children.

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now