Animals Can Get Selfish

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"Nah, she's more like those little octopi. The ones with little blue rings."

Shouto didn't understand how Mt. Lady was like an octopus, but he would wait for the explanation and try to. He was never one to just shut down ideas just because they didn't line up with his own.

Mina had her hands up in little circles, showing the size of said octopus. Mineta uttered something about Shoji being the real octopus, and Mt. Lady being a devil.

"Why an octopus? I would've thought like a deer or something. Since they're pretty?" Uraraka shrugged, not really committed to the conversation.

Mina shook her head before taking a bite of the burgers Kaminari had made (and surprisingly not burnt or set anything on fire. They had put Todoroki in the kitchen with him just in case.)

"So those octopi are like super pretty right? And things get drawn to them. But... it's all a trap. Those things are super venomous, and use their looks to deceive."

Midoriya nodded, pointing his pen absentminded at Mina. "No, I understand that. Mt. Lady does kind of use her flirtatious hero alias to get what she wants but she is super powerful. Smart!"

"Thanks! Okay, that's Mt. Lady, now we spin again and whoever goes up next has to do..." she sucked in a breath. "Endeavor."

That had the entire room hoping that Todoroki wouldn't be picked.

Mina spun the color wheel on her phone and sighed with relief when it landed on Kirishima. The game was easy, there was a list of heroes, and when you were picked you had to relate them to something nature, primarily animals.

"I guess I'd say like... a dragon? Cause fire?"

"Go deeper than that, Kiri! And do real animals!" Sero flicked Kirishima's forehead, eliciting a frustrated groan.

"Fine!" He snuck a glance toward Todoroki, who was definitely listening but trying to hide that fact. "Maybe like... a bull or something. He's super stubborn looking and buff. No- a shark. Maybe..."

Todoroki looked at the fabric of the couch, not sparing a glance to the room. "He's a goat."

Everyone looked at him with varying degrees of confusion. He noticed, and explained.

"Goats are stubborn, and sometimes stupid." Midoriya gasped and Bakugo smirked. "They can be bad for the environment if you don't control them. If they don't have something tying them down then they keep on taking and taking and taking, they'll never stop."

"But they're smart, and even though they don't know when to stop, they were born with these instincts that tell them what they need to do. They climb mountains and don't stop for avalanches. That's my father in a nutshell."

It was quiet for longer than a minute,
Nobody really knowing if Todoroki was joking, or if he was completely serious.

Sero sighed, "Now I can't get the image of Endeavor grazing in a field out of my head." He slapped a hand to his mouth to cover his laughs. "Jeez Roki, I can't even tell
If you're for real or not."

"I'm completely serious," he deadpanned, face straight as ever.

The entire class erupted into bouts of laughter, uncontrollable and cheery. Kaminari hit Kirishima on the back to quell his own laughter, Kirishima trying to catch his breath.

"Okay guys," Mina stood and pressed the spinner again. Her voice was breaking with giggles. "Let's continue. Todoroki did way better than Kiri so we'll take his name off for now. That means Kiri, you're still eligible..."

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now