(Not so) Slight Panic Pt.1

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Some days, he found, were harder than others. He knew there must have been some leftover lasting effect from the years of being treated the way he was.

Some days, he felt like he was soaring above everyone else. He could appreciate being top of his class. He could acknowledge other people and their emotions, without needing to think about it at all. He could be normal with little to no effort.

Other days, he felt as is if he were drowning. Sinking beneath the surface, slowly dying because- he's not good enough. He's not smart. He's not strong. He's not a good person. He's just like Endeavor, yet so different. Different in the prospect that he was stupid. And cold.

He tried to just hide away on days like this. His classmates really didn't need another thing to take care of. Another burden like him to crash their fun. He didn't want their help, anyway.

His emotions were the first thing he'd been taught to take care of by himself. Nobody was coming to help him. Nobody ever did. So he adapted, and helped himself.

Tried to help himself.

"You idiot! Can't you pay attention in class? You're wasting my time!"

Iida stood up. "You shouldn't refer to people as idiots. It's an unproductive use of time, and can be detrimental to self-esteem."

"You're detrimental to my ass!" Bakugo snarled.

"You- what does that even mean?! You cretan!" His voice raised in pitch.

"Shut the hell up with your old-timey insults!"

Kaminari stood up, holding his pencil to his paper. "I think I got it! I was a little distracted today but-"

"Wrong. Again. You absolute-"

'"Wrong again, Shouto. Do you want your family to be hurt?"

Shouto took a defensive stance. "Please, no. I'll do it right. I promise."

"Then do it! I don't care for what you can promise!"'

"-shit head! It's like your brain doesn't even work."

'"There's nothing wrong with your son. His brain is working fine, if he cries sometimes then it because he's experiencing emotion, Mr. Todoroki."

Enji glared at his shaking son. "Why is he doing that then? Every time I speak to him he trembles. Check again."

"Anxiety is normal for children to develop when they're scared of a reoccurring thing. Maybe you should try different approaches to-"

"I save all of Japan, I don't need parenting advice. Shouto, now." He patted his thigh as he beckoned Shouto like a dog.'

Todoroki could feel the rising tension in the room. Could nobody else feel it? Was he the only one that felt like he was on fire?

He shook his head and sipped his tea. It's okay to be in a bad mood, he reminded himself. It was just a bad day. Tomorrow would be better.

But he couldn't stop the shaking of his hands.

What had he done wrong? How can he fix it? Will father find out?

A soft slam of a textbook closing caused him to flinch, and he curled in on himself from where he was standing in the kitchen, drinking tea. His back slid against the cabinets and handles as his shirt rode up, only to fall back into place when he reached the floor. His eyes scanned for places to hide.

Cabinet. Too small.

Make a run for the bathroom. He'd be grabbed before he could.

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now