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Todoroki wasn't a very deep sleeper. He could ignore sounds when he was sleeping, differentiating whether they were important or not. He chose to let people think he didn't hear them while his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open.

He wasn't a deep sleeper, and he usually woke up 6:00 am, went to sleep 8-9:00 pm. He didn't need alarms, it was like he'd programmed his head to do it without manual help.

So he was confused when he woke up at 11:00. He had been studying with Iida last night, and after the taller male went to bed Todoroki had studied with Sero and Kaminari. Those two didn't know how to sleep when they got tired. They would force themselves awake in strange ways. Whether it be drinking caffeinated drinks or playing video games until their eyes strained and it hurt to blink. Todoroki had even been caught up with a few levels of Mario. Sero had said he looked like one of those red and white mushroom people. Todoroki didn't see the resemblance.

He sat up, wiping his eyes with the front of his wrist and yawning. His throat felt all too dry and his lips were practically stuck together.

His hair is what bothered him. His bangs hung way too low in his eyes for his liking. He might've liked it a while ago, since they covered his scar and all, but he couldn't see. Streaks of light entered through strands and he was unsure of what to do about it.

He knew how to tie hair up into a ponytail or bun, but he doubted his hair was really long enough to do that, and he didn't own any hair bands.

For god's sake, he was a hero in training, son of the number one hero, near top of the best class in the best hero school.

He could handle some hair.

As he walked down to get breakfast he had to hold his hair up out of his face. Yaoyorozu must've seen it because a hair clip sprouted from her arm and she held it up. "Todoroki, would you like me to set your hair back?"

He nearly smiled. "Please."

It wasn't long before Mina and Hagakure were fawning over him. He felt a bit insecure with his scar on display, but he reminded himself that they liked it. And he reminded himself that it was a part of him. The same as his blue eye or red hair. He should accept it and move on.

"See?! Even Todoroki agrees. Thank goodness Sensei is on his way."

Todoroki side-eyed Sero, who was eying him right back while speaking to Kaminari. Todoroki turned, "What do I agree with?"

Sero turned as well, and gestured to his hair. "We all need haircuts. Aizawa-Sensei is on his way to take us to a parlor." He said the last part so fancily, nearly in a French accent.

"Who's going?"

"Obviously you and me, Kaminari needs a trim, Bakugo won't admit it but he's going anyway, and Ojiro."

Todoroki nodded, not really knowing what to say next. He'd shared all of his thoughts on the matter. He wasn't good at small talk but-

"What about you? Are you only getting a trim or trying a different style?"

Sero pulled on a lock of his raven air. "Just a trim for me. Mina tried convincing me to get a Mohawk but that's a weird style you know? She almost convinced Kiri to get one but he cuts his own hair."

"Why doesn't he cut all of ours?"

Sero looked unimpressed. "Would you really let one of us in charge of cutting your hair?"

Todoroki thought for a moment. "Right. A salon would be better."

Aizawa, after making an impromptu stop at 7/11 for a coffee (and sodas for the boys because 99¢ was a snatch), was sitting in a chair between Ojiro and Todoroki. He cringed every time the woman snipped another dead end of hair off. He loathed haircuts.

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now