(Not So) Slight Panic Pt.2

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Aizawa usually walked into the dorms expecting something to be wrong. Kaminari had cause more power outages than anyone could count. Dark Shadow sometimes roughhoused with Kirishima, they've broken the TV  once, a window twice, other minor damages. Mineta left dents in the vents, always got to clean the dorms afterward.

So when he was called in because Todoroki was the troublemaker this time, he was hardly surprised. Todoroki's quirk depended on complete balance. He had to be focusing constantly just to not overheat or freeze to death. If it had gone out of control though, he could be walking into a building filled with burnt corpses. Or the building could be gone completely. Nobody actually knew how strong Todoroki's quirk was if he lost control. He didn't want to find out, at least not tonight.

Fortunately, the building was still intact.

Unfortunately, his student was trapped in a dome of his own ice.

Which meant that he could be freezing in there, suffering from hypothermia. Stuck and dying and alone.

Kaminari snd Mineta both had lighters held up to the ice, Iida seemingly watching over them very closely. Yaoyorozu had created an electric blanket and a space heater for when he got out.

Midoriya and Kirishima were discussing something on the couch, and Aizawa quickly noticed the bandaging on Kirishima's arm.

"Okay, someone explain."

Kirishima stood and walked towards his teacher. "Todoroki was in the kitchen, and he was super terrified looking. He started to like, claw at his palms. His fingers were like ice knives and his hands were bleeding and stuff, so I tried to stop him, but then he grabbed my wrist and he burnt me."

Yaoyorozu stood now, taking over. "He was panicking, so I tried to calm him down but he- he pushed me away and did that. The whole time he was apologizing and saying he didn't mean to do it. I don't think he knew what he was doing. Or where he was really."

Aizawa sighed heavily into his hand. "It's obvious nobody was paying attention in our class on traumatized victims and survivors. You don't approach someone in a panicked state if they don't want you to. Especially someone with a quirk that could kill the entire school in one move. You're lucky he was able to control himself." He paused, and scolded Mineta and Kaminari for having lighters be used for anything but incense.

"So what do we do now?"

Aizawa eyed the ice. Fairly thin compared to most of Todoroki's attacks. "I'll kick it open and grab him. I'm leaving after that though, unless it's bad in there."

Iida nodded. "We'll keep him warm and fed, Sensei."

"Thanks, Iida."

Kicking through the ice was easy. It only took three kicks before he could see the limp body on the countertop, in deep sleep. He picked Todoroki up and placed him on the couch, letting Yaoyorozu pull the heating blanket over him, and Mina set the heater on medium.

After their teacher left, they all sat on couches, giving Todoroki space while they watched movies together. Iida kept a close eye as promised, on Todoroki. He was ridiculously still as he slept, his breathing hardly noticeable.

When he finally awoke, the common room smelled of fresh bread and-

"Soba?" His voice came out raspy as he sat up, eyes still narrowly open. He rubbed them tiredly, trying to understand where he was- but it didn't matter when there was Soba.

A lighthearted laugh caught his attention and he noted the shift of the couch as Uraraka sat down on the edge of the cushion. "Sato learned how to make soba today, so it might not be the best he says, but it was close enough."

Todoroki nodded, confused on why he was on the couch, suspiciously warm and being offered food, but he didn't mind it. It was always like this when he was with them.

There were no bad intentions as Jirou handed him a glass of water. No malice in Iida's voice as he explained what had happened according to Yaoyorozu and Kirishima.

Todoroki looked shamefully downward, "I apologize. It wasn't my intention to hurt either of you."

Kirishima waved his hands to stop him. "Nah, it's fine. We probably shouldn't have gotten all close to you like that while you were confused and stuff. Not much to do but apologize and take notes so it doesn't happen again."

Yaoyorozu was less forgiving of herself. "Todoroki, I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you. I was scared and forgot the lesson we were taught. I- I knew what to do but I couldn't move and-"

"It's fine, really. As Kirishima said, it's over now. Is the um- my ice still there?"

Sero looked behind them at the ice. "Some of it.  It's mostly just wet."

Todoroki stood on slightly shaky legs and straightened out his shirt. "Thank you all for taking care of me. I appreciate it." He did. More than anyone could know.

After drying the floor with his quirk, and supplying burn cream to Kirishima, he sat huddled on the couch. Asui was sat next to him wrapped up in the electric blanket. Kirishima was on the ground leaning against his legs, and Aoyama was leaned on his shoulder, not a hair out of place despite his tossing and turning.

It was nice to have company. Usually, he was alone after a panic attack, left to overthink and wallow in self-loathing and the such. It was just comforting to let his family care for him and for once, he didn't feel bad or guilty. Like he owed them. The feeling that he would pay for this later wasn't there, and he-

Oh. His family. That's what these people were. His family.

Shouto thinks he can learn to like the idea of family. If this is what family really means.

Muytiene: As you can see, I re-wrote this chapter. The way it was going before it would've been a whole thing and I want to keep this fic as short stories. Hopefully that's not disappointing, but if you read my last note on Infernal Memories, I'm working on more stories, that will be (hopefully) way better than my current ones. I just don't want to release anything before I'm ready. Love you all and thanks for reading💕

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now