Negativity Is A Bust

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His day out to see his mother had gone well. They'd both eaten lunch together, managed to drink tea together without pitiful looks or scared eyes.

When he left, he did so with a cheerful feeling set in his heart. It made him excited for things he couldn't think of. Nothing was going on. Nothing was in his schedule.

When it started to rain, it took him by surprise. He hadn't brought an umbrella, so he held his arm over his eyes so he could at least see. Of course, today was the day he didn't have a hood.

With rain brought crowds of people, all rushing to get a seat on the train. Holding onto the rails on the roof. The once orderly and organized subway was now crowded and wet from what he could see from afar.

He quickened his pace to get there before the doors closed, to no avail. Despite his lively morning, today kept getting worse.

Guess that's what happens when it starts off in a way that it can't get better.

He sighed, and turned around, unknowingly having someone run face-first into his chest.

"Oh, are you alright? You should be careful while- Uraraka?"

Uraraka rubbed her nose and nodded. "Oh, did the train leave already? Shoot."

Todoroki tilted his head. "Why are you out here?" He noted her lack of umbrella and coat.

She laughed sadly and turned to face the tracks. "I was going out with my mom. I hope she gets home safe."

Todoroki continued to stare. "I'm sure she will."

They stood in silence, letting the rain drench their hair and clothing. It was cold, so he heated his left side to regulate his dropping temperature. He would admit it was to warm Uraraka as well.

"We should probably get out of this rain. Who knows what'll happen if you get sick again?"

Todoroki huffed out a laugh. "Yeah okay."

Every business was filled to the brim with people covered with brightly colored rain ponchos, raincoats, and windbreakers. Restaurants were getting an impromptu rush hour, grateful for the money, but not the stress.

They walked further out, until they found a small playground with a tubed tunnel. He absentmindedly followed her as she climbed up the holes steps and slid into the tube, safe from rain. She patted a spot next to her. "You coming in?"

He eyed the entrance. "Not sure I'll fit. I'll stay out here."

She crawled forward and tugged on his arm. "You'll fit fine."

He didn't fit fine. But he he fit well enough. His legs were cramped in front of him, his sneakers squealing against wet plastic. Uraraka was on the phone with Momo, explaining her and Todoroki's tardiness briefly before hanging up and listening to the rain.

"Did you read when the subway is coming next?"

"Not until later tonight. I texted Iida though, he's arranging for a teacher to come get us."

Uraraka nodded, and played with her hands. "Can I ask you something?"

That wasn't the best way to start a conversation that wasn't about to be deep or heavy. Here it comes...

"How do you stay so brave all of the time? It's like your emotionless. It's really cool, I wish I could do it."


He wasn't brave.

He was reckless and stupid. His mind saw his father as the worst possible punishment and so everything else appeared like a cherry on ice cream for him.

A group of villains? Nothing.

Two knives to his arm? Was that supposed to be painful? Because it wasn't.

Certain death? Better than spending hours doing weight training with his father.

"I guess it's just a perk of my bland personality." He sighed and looked down at his limp hands. "I don't see why anyone would want to be this way selectively."

"What do you mean? Everyone looks up to you because you never mess up. You never cry and you never get scared."

"No. I'm terrified most of the time. I was just trained to hide that. I was told it was a weakness, and my weaknesses had to be hidden."

Uraraka frowned. That wasn't reassuring. If their strongest was terrified, what did that mean for them?

"But you have a strong quirk, and you protect us all the time."

"That's what I'm terrified of."

"Protecting people?"

Todoroki shook his head. "My quirk. It's already so powerful, as you said. And I still have room left for it to develop. Quirks like mine are destructive. They do more harm than good. Every time I enter a fight I have to think strategically and avoid hints that will set off my quirk. Otherwise I could hurt others, and myself."

"If that's true, I think it makes you even stronger."

Todoroki shifted his head to face her. "How so?"

Uraraka scooted a little closer, and smiled. "Well, if you think about it, you're stronger because you do more good than harm with your quirk. You remember the USJ?" A nod. "You took down all those villains, and didn't injure a single one."


"And- that same day, we all heard about how you froze the Nomu so All Might could free himself. You saved All Might's life and still didn't hurt your enemy."

That's also...true.

What kind of magic was this? It was returning the bliss he felt in the morning, into his afternoon.

"And Bakugo had told the police in his report that you saved him from Moonfish. And you didn't hurt him either. You're seriously incredible."

He was used to being praised, but not so genuinely. A simple 'good job' or 'that was better than last time.' This was like a heartfelt confession.

She pumped her fist and smiled with those big, sparkling eyes. "I have a new goal now. I wanna be like you!" She declared.

And what a declaration it was.

He didn't even want to be like himself. He could see the drawbacks and downsides to his quirk, fighting style, personality, appearance. It's all he paid attention to.

Never the good stuff.

Never his confidence. Never his soft heart that only appeared hard because it was sharpened to be that way. Never his love for real, pure heroism. Never the way he stood protectively over his friends out of habit.

He should probably spend more time pointing that stuff out mentally.

He wasn't a bad person.

"Oi, you two done? I've been sitting outside for three minutes in my car."

Uraraka flinched at the deep voice. "S-Sensei! You're here already! How long has it been?"

Aizawa crawled into the tunnel, remaining at the entrance, half a foot away from Todoroki.  "I locked my keys in my car. Mic is on his way."

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now