Just A Grand Ball

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Todoroki tightened the red tie around his neck, hating the way he was starting to like the color red. And hating the way his father always hired a stylist to choose his outfits. As if he didn't have a fashion sense.

I mean...

But that's beside the point. Todoroki didn't want to be choked out by this tie all evening, when all he did at events like this was sit, and send cold glares to people who hated his father and his family. He didn't blame them for hating the Todoroki's, it was a feeling he found was mutual. It was just his job to do that. Yet another thing he was trained to do.

This 'Grand Ball' was for the people connected to a wealthy business in Jaku, but it always took place in Hosu. Bright lights and tall buildings. Drunks and villains.

How fun.

He looked at the shoes he was meant to be wearing and cringed, not liking the loafer style they were in.

Surely nobody would be looking at his shoes, right?

Ah, the lies he sometimes told himself were hilarious.

Todoroki chucked the shoes aside, deciding to wear a pair of sneakers instead. A nicer pair than his usual converse. Plain black with that small silver bar on the laces. Elegant.


He carried them with him to the common room, seeing Yaoyorozu in a dress and looking stunning, hair in a messy bun that looked purposefully messy, and it looked great.

Her dress was knee length, a light blue, simple dress. Simple, but she made it look so fancy. Jirou was next to her, dressed in a purple dress that was down to her feet, and she looked absolutely miserable. He'd heard Momo was binging her along, not that Jirou would be forcing herself into an outfit she so clearly hated.

To his surprise, Bakugo was dressed up as well. Clean loafers, dress pants, and even more to his surprise, a bow tie and suit jacket. White and purple, like a celebrity.

Iida was talking to Bakugo despite being ignored, wearing a blue pinstripe suit with a darker blue bow tie. Classic Iida.

"Ah, Todoroki. You look well dressed. But those shoes-"

"I won't be caught wearing loafers." He side-eyed Bakugo, who was now cursing under his breath.

Jirou pulled up her skirt and revealed all black converse. "Sneaker twins."

Todoroki nodded, not understanding the reference, but when she smiled, he smiled back.

Iida stood up and huffed out his chest. A thing rich people loved to do. "Our ride will be here soon. When we arrive, we should all thank Endeavor for his hospitality."

"Of course." Yaomomo agreed.

"No fucking way."

"Yea, no."

Jirou laughed at the mix of answers but cut herself off when Iida looked annoyed.

The limo was nice, dark with long windows. Leather seats and small breath mints that Jirou and Iida kept eating, gotta keep that breath fresh for the ballroom.

Todoroki was sat next to Bakugo, about a foot of room between them. At one point Bakugo threw a breath into at Todoroki, so Todoroki froze it solid and threw it back, earning more of a reaction than Bakugo had earned.

Stepping out of the limo, Iida helped Yaoyorozu onto the curb, since her heels were unusually thin. Bakugo and Todoroki stayed behind everyone, hands in their pockets like this wasn't a formal event. That would change once their parents greeted them.

Todoroki One-Shots that were supposed to be one shots but we see how that wentWhere stories live. Discover now