10 - Vlogger Central

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I know the Yogscast is well known for gaming. But what's stopping me from being mainly a vlogger? I thought over some things that I could do. There were:
Jelly Bean Roulette
Tin Can Challenge
Innuendo Bingo
Best Friend Tag
Chubby Bunny Challenge
Truth or Dare

A few of these would be easy. But then I remembered that I hadn't asked Kim about the whole 'Flux' thing yet.

"Kim?" I asked poking my head into her office as the door was open.
"Ah yes Lunar?" She asked back.
"We've been doing a ton of Thaumcraft in my series.. And after we stopped recording I got flux tainted.." I started.
"Oooooh! That means you could come to us for help!" She said.
"Wait your cool with it?" I asked confused.
"Yeah totally! It kinda fits ya know? So keep going for a bit, maybe edit your skin and then we'll arrange a meet up at some point to either join the series or just do a few collab episodes." She said.

Wow she was totally cool with it and had loads of ideas. Yay!


Me and Kim were at home practicing powers as usual. Today though we had Martyn and Echo with us. Martyn had given life to Kim's previously dead plant and Echo was messing with the lights whilst I played with my water in my bowl. I was getting better, but this whole powers thing was making hang out with 'the power group' - as I called them - too much. I hadn't really talked to the Hats in a while.


"ROSS?" I yelled. My office was FULL of balloons that said 'kinder' on them. Only one troublesome teen could've done that.
"Yesssss.....?" He asked holding a kinder balloon.
"I'm gonna get you back for this balloon boy!" I yelled pointing my finger ominously. Now I had someone to do all the bad challenges with - ROSS!

A/N hey this is a bit of a random chapter
I've got some planned stuff
Actually I've pretty much planned the whole book now
And then some stuff for a new one

The Apprentice's Apprentice (An Adopted By The Yogscast Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now