Chapter Thirty-Eight

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—First Person POV.—

The preparing had finished as soon as it started and judging by how much noise all of these humans where making— There was no way the league wasn't aware they were here.

Those wooden catapults had been assembled along the beach with what looked to be sharpened spikes also set up and pointed towards the mountain.

I jump when some grey rope latches on to the front of the boat— A blur of a human swinging on and landing almost silently in front of me.

And that's when I recognize the same tired sounding man now standing before me.

It takes him a second, taking his time to flip his wrist up and unlatch the scarf from the front of the boat before finally turning to me.

His rope returns to wrap around his neck, flopping down to rest while he watches "Looks like they're going in." He comments, blinking at me.

I guess he was trying to gage some type of reaction but all he got in return was a sharp huff through my nostrils before I glance up.

Following my gaze, the air seems to still and the crowds fall silent when the first few catapults are set off.

As the ropes are cut, large rocks are launched at the mountain, smashing one by one and breaking open a hole in the side of it.

A few cheers sound off once the last boulder hits its mark— The people falling silent for a few seconds before another catapult was set loose, this time with fire.

The blazing rock flies through the opened hole in the mountain— Lighting up the darkness and bringing to light the hundreds upon hundreds of dragons sitting and holding onto the walls on the inside.

I hear a few screeches and shrieks alike call through the air— And then the battle cry of all the humans combined.

My thinned pupils widen when I see all of the dragons flying over me— Fleeing.

'Oh no..' I internally mutter, ears falling as a fearful purr rolls past my jaws and I step back as much as the chains latched to my neck allow me.

From the corner of my eye, the dark haired human watches the act as well, brows furrowing when I start to panic and yank my head back over and over again— Trying to get free.

"We've done it!!" A voice hollers, sending the humans spread out across the breach into a chorus of victory shouts, not knowing what they've done.

In my panic, I glance away from the retreating dragons to meet the dark eyes of the man in front of me.

And for a second, they seem to widen before he quickly turns away to face the mountain "It's not over." He mutters more to himself.

My body goes rigid when the figure of a man emerges to stand on one of the ledges high above.

He shouts something and I recognize the slight echo from the voice, soon being followed by chaos as more dragons fly out, darting through the openings in the mountain at his command.

"Get clear!!" I can hear All Might call out and chaos erupts— People running from the mountain.

"Archers!" The same voice shouts as the beasts dive down to attack— Easily getting shot and dragged down by nets from the many wooden machines stationed across the beach.

And as another gets shot down, I continue shaking my head, the chains rattling with my movement— And capturing the attention of someone.

As a few try to return to the ships to gather more weapons, one of the ships burst into flame— Soon being followed by others as a flaming Monstrous Nightmare jumps across them.

Fly away with me! (Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now