Chapter Eleven

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RengokusUltimateSimp  Thank you sm for commenting ❤️❤️

—First Person POV.—

I let out a huff in satisfaction, stretching my wings outwards over my form as I reach my arms up to the sky above my head.

The lamb calls behind me, his voice causing me to look back over my shoulder as a smile falls onto my lips "I'll be quick." I state and the creature wails again.

"Oh it's fine, Amajiki should be here any minute now." I reassure with the roll of my eyes, turning away and flapping my already opened wings downwards.

With a slight jump from my feet, I'm pushed into the air— Flapping to go higher and taking in the fresh wind that bats against my face.

The sun grazes along my scales once I come to a stop in the air, constantly moving my wings up and down to keep myself in place while turning around to look at my surroundings.

As I ascend farther, I come to a stop— Just taking in the air and checking out my surroundings.

My wings bat gently against the small breeze and I turn, noticing a red flicker in the distance. With the tilt of my head, I flap my wings to get a closer look—

"(Y/n)?" I recognize Amajiki's voice call from far below and quickly look down to see his dark hair moving past the crack in the protective ring.

The light bounces off of the rocks— Further making him seem out of place as I take one last look at the cliff with the red stuff before closing my wings fly down to him.

He's looking around for me and tilts his head upwards when he hears the usually silent flaps from my wings near.

The air brushes the hood from his hair back, exposing his face more before his hair flips back over when my feet meet the floor and I land.

My wings fold comfortably behind me "Hey Amajiki." I greet easily and he waved slightly, fixing the sack over his shoulder.

"Here, I brought more of hay for him.." He explains with the corners of his lips tilting upwards in a shy smile. His head tilts slightly to the side— Gesturing towards the sack and I nod.

Clapping my hands together happily "Great! He's been complaining since yesterday." I bring up sheepishly, bringing up how quickly we ran out of the hay he first brought only three days ago.

Amajiki nods, walking past me to go and set the food up for the wailing lamb.

While I watch him, I stretch my wings out again— Still giddy about having them back and his dark eyes glance up slightly "..How are you feeling?"

His voice is in its usual quiet but I don't mind "Great, I just took a short flight upwards before you got here." I explain.

"I saw.." He nods again, passively turning away to fix some hay to give to the lamb.

"Oh, oh, oh!" I repeat, causing him to jolt from my sudden loud voice "Speaking of seeing things— I saw this tree not too far away!" I move to stand a few feet behind him.

Amajiki's head tilts back to look over his shoulder at me, confusion spreading through his face as he stared "...A tree?"

I nod, quickly flaring my wings outwards when he turns to actually talk to me "Come on, I'll show you!"

Dirt flies up as I flap my wings downwards— Pushing myself into the air.

...And it took me a few seconds to look down and realize.. Amajiki doesn't have wings.

Fly away with me! (Tamaki Amajiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now