A Meal Fit For A Crow

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So it's been a hot minute... (alternately: months) but now I've got another one whipped up. Updating is really fun, even if I've only gotten a few views so far! 

This chapter is in Jesper's POV because I love Jesper and it's at the Van Eck mansion, so... 

Regarding trauma, I'm not going to disregard it in this. I know fanfic is usually straight into it and that's part of the appeal because there's not all the foreplay that's in books but I feel like Kaz and Inej are an exception if you really want a story true to character. That being said, I will probably end up speeding up a couple of things just for the sake of a true Kanej story, but I won't forget about both their trauma.

Anywho... Our 5 crows (rip Matthias you're a legend) get together in this one! Enjoy! And if you want leave a comment because I need feedback!


Jesper watched as Wylan flitted around the dining area, making constant adjustments and looking over the shoulders of his serving girls and scrutinizing every little detail as they laid out the best silverware. He watched until he was so exasperated he released an explosive sigh that caught his boyfriend's attention.

Wylan turned to Jesper with inquisitive eyes. He swiveled so quickly that his ruddy golden curls bounced along with the movement.

Handsome little shit.

"Something in your throat, Jes?" asked Wylan. He said it so innocently, it almost convinced Jesper that he wasn't annoyed.

"Yeah, a question."


"I sure do love to. But for Saint's sake, why are you buzzing around like a worried mother?"

"Because... it needs to be perfect," he said slowly, the tips of his ears burning red. Adorable.

Jesper snorted. "You really think they're gonna care?"

Wylan frowned. Uh oh. Jesper hated when Wylan frowned. He couldn't stand to see him look unhappy. Frustrated, sure, he liked him frustrated. But not upset. Especially with him. It set off some sort of panic mode that Jesper didn't care for.

"Uhm, it'll be fine, I suppose. I'm sure Nina will love it, and probably Inej, and... yeah, Kaz'll like it too."

Wylan's lips quirked up. "I think I like you flustered like this."

"You like a lot of things about me if I recall." Jesper waggled his eyebrows; Wylan went red again.

"Not now, Jesper," he half-hissed, half-whispered.

"Or what?" he challenged just for the hell of it.

"Or I might kiss you unconscious, that's what."

"Funny, I was just going to say the same thing."

Jesper took slow steps towards his boyfriend. Wylan stood his ground. He didn't expect him to back away; he had held his own against Kaz before, and Kaz was much scarier than Jesper could even try to be.

Wylan tilted his chin up so he could meet slate grey eyes.

"Have I ever told you?" asked Jesper.

Wylan rolled his eyes. "Don't be an idiot when I'm mad at you. It makes it harder to stay that way."

"Have I ever told you?" he repeated, crossing his gangly arms.

"Told me what?" he sighed.

Jesper grinned. "That I like your stupid face."

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