two - record store

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With my walkman in my hand, I was jammin' out to some Led Zeppelin, Stairway To Heaven to be exact. The sun was out and I felt it heating up the back of my denim jacket. I purposely started walking a little slower because I wanted more time to listen to my music before I arrived at my destination. I was ever so slightly moving my head to the beat. In my mind, I was singing the lyrics to the top of my lungs, but I'm in public. So all these people will see is me acting "normal". I couldn't wait to get home and listen to the full album.

After that, Highway To Hell by AC/DC started playing. I loved the opening riff, and Bon's voice was amazing!

As I was walking I almost tripped on my own shoelace. I bent down to tie it, making sure to secure it well so it doesn't get undone. Looking up and notice my surroundings, I realized that I had accidentally passed the record store. A heavy sigh escaped my lips "Good going, Sadie!"

I walked back to the store and stepped inside. The chimes attached to the door making their usual sound. The lady behind the counter looked up from whatever she was doing when she heard the sound.

"Sadie! Glad to see you again!"

"Nice to see you too Kristina! How are you?"

I liked talking with Kristina, she was about twelve years older than me but she was really sweet. She'd give me special discounts on records and such, even though I try to decline her offer every time. She insists on a discount though. I've been coming to her record shop ever since I moved to Sheffield.

After a little small talk, I went to look through all the records. Not without admiring the store first though. Everything was organized by genre on wooden shelves, and a few types of vinyl were hanging from the walls here and there. Which I'm assuming are Kristina's favourites.

I went to the rock section and saw a lot of the big names. Stuff like The Beatles and Hendrix. Rock is my favourite genre, I like all of it, classic, hard rock, glam rock, you name it!

I was searching for a while, just admiring all of the album covers. I saw a few records from some lesser-known artists. One of them being High N' Dry, by a band called Def Leppard. "That was probably on purpose," I said out loud, referring to the miss-spelling in their name. I turned it over and I saw the faces of five boys. I took a closer look at the one with the blonde hair, he seemed oddly familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I was intrigued by this group, I never heard of them before. "Kristina, you mind if I play a few?" I held up the record and pointed to it so she could see. "No! Not at all, go ahead dear!" I smiled and nodded at her response. No one else was in the store so I wouldn't be bothering anyone. I took out the vinyl and placed it on the record player. The first thing I heard was this hard guitar riff which I instantly liked.
I looked at the back of the record to see what song I was listening to.

"Let It Go," I said out loud.

Halfway through the song, I was moving my head to the guitars and drums. Whoever wrote this shit is good. I then started paying attention to the vocals. "He has a really good voice," I thought to myself. It was rough and sometimes raspy. I wondered if it was like that when he actually talked and tried to picture what his regular voice might sound like.

I was now exactly halfway through the album, a track called "Switch 625" started playing. After a little bit of listening, I realized there weren't any lyrics. But I wasn't complaining, it sounded spectacular.


"I swear I'll kill him" I muttered under my breath. My stupid brother dropped my new Led Zeppelin record on the hardwood floors in my living room and broke it. That fucking clutz. The lazy asshole refused to go to the record store and buy me a new one. So he gave me money and told me to get it myself. That man had a lot of nerve. He knows just how to ruin my day.

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