eight - dance with me?

389 10 24

song: red wine
play when indicated


I instantly regretted getting up once my bare feet met with the cold wooden floors. I rubbed my weak eyes and blinked a few times. My usual craving for coffee struck me, as I walked to my rather small kitchen.

I grabbed the kettle and poured a generous amount of cold water into it, setting it aside to boil. As I was grabbing the instant coffee from my cabinet, my phone rang. Walking over to the wall phone, I picked it up with the coffee in my left hand.


"Goodmorning, Love."

Steve's raspy morning voice hit me like a ton of bricks. It sort of made my eyes shoot out of their sockets, but thank God he can't see me right now.

"Good morning, Stevie." I looked up at the clock on the other wall, it read 11:32 am.

"You almost missed it." I lightly laughed

"Yeah I know, I just woke up like 30 seconds ago" he chuckled

"What an incredible coincidence, I woke up around 2 whole minutes ago!" I joked

"Wow! We should get you an award!" he sarcastically spoke

"But erm, just called to check in on you. I'm excited to see you later!" His voice got slightly higher when he said that last part, which made me smile more than I already was.

"Me too Steve, it's about time I see you do a gig."

"Funny you mention that, I'm going to rehearse with them in an hour"

"Hope you have fun Steve, I'll see you tonight!"

"I'll see you then, Love."


"...Bringin' on the heartache! You're bringin' on the heartbreak!"

I slowly played the guitar outro as Joe finished his last note.

"Do you wanna go again?" Joe asked the rest of us once he caught his breath.

I was first to speak up,

"Mm" I checked my wristwatch which read 4:18

"No, I think we're good. Besides we have time to practice at the pub too."

The boys and I just finished rehearsals. We also were able to write a few things for our new album, which is good.

I picked up my brown Gibson guitar and carefully put it in its case. I then went over to the couch, which laid my brown leather jacket. Picking it up, I was headed for the door, leaving our usual rehearsing space.

"Where are you going?" Sav questioned

"I've got something to do,"

"Okay, be careful, Stevie" Phil teased

As I opened the door I stuck up my right hand to flip the blond bloke off. 

I was on my way to the pub, I had a few things to set up before Sadie got there. I felt a breeze which made me shiver enough to put my jacket on. I set my guitar down up against some building and I took my jacket off my arm, as it was hanging there before. I stretched out my skinny arms so they can go in the armholes with ease.

A faint sound of a bike came closer to me by the second, I then turn around and see a biker coming at me at full speed. I quickly moved out of the way, but I wasn't able to grab my guitar. As soon as the biker passed by, my guitar fell on the sidewalk.

since i've been loving you | steve clarkWhere stories live. Discover now