one - free bird

447 12 4

Spring 1982


  "Ah, fuck." I said under my breath. I've been working on this damn chorus for what felt like an eternity. In reality, it had only been about a week and a half. I furrowed my eyebrows as I examined the strings. "The hell was I doing wrong?"

  I felt the wind brush against me, lightly blowing my hair in my face for about the tenth time. I carefully set my beige guitar down and put my hair in a low ponytail to keep it out of my way. I took some time to admire my surroundings. I loved coming to this park, it was calm. The sky was blue and the grass always had a dewy smell which I found comforting.

I come here to have some alone time with me and my guitar but half the time I'm not alone. Not too far from the usual seat, I take in the park, there are these guys playing soccer. They come here a few times a week. 

I never pay too much attention to them. Today was the only time I gave myself a good look at the boys. I will admit, they're all good-looking, but I unknowingly was staring. I'm not too sure for how long, but what shook me from my fugue state of mind was the boy with the shaggy dirty blond hair saying,

"Take a photo, it'll last longer."

Then striking an exaggerated pose with his hand on his hip.

Shit shit shit. Why the hell did I have such a low attention span? I swear I can go into a trance anytime and anywhere. Even when I don't want to. I felt my cheeks heating up due to embarrassment. I picked up my guitar. Should I leave? I was now speaking in my head.


"Take a photo it'll last longer," Joe said as he struck a pose. We all laughed at his little joke. I glanced over to the girl and saw her looking down. Maybe she's embarrassed? She shouldn't be, Joe was just messing with her.   

A ball hit my foot as I realized Sav passed it to me. "C'mon, Clark, we don't have all day." He spoke. "Whatcha lookin' at? That girl with the guitar?" I didn't even notice I was staring at her until Joe said something.

"Shut it, Elliott. Get ready, Sav." I was prepared to pass the ball to Sav to indicate a new round was starting. I don't play soccer in my free time unless it's with my mates. As soon as I kicked the ball to him, all five of us started to run after it or get in position. Phil made a crappy attempt to pass it to Rick and it went all the way to the other side of the park.

"Nice one!" Joe said with grand hand gestures. "We give you guys an extra player and you still aren't good enough!" Sav chuckled. Since there was an odd number, one team had an extra player. Sav is the best soccer player out of all of us. He was about to take it up professionally, but the bloke chose music. The teams were Joe, Rick and Phil versus Sav and I.

"Not everyone can be as good as you Sav!" Phil said with an annoyed tone. Sav flashed a cheeky smile, "I know."

"Yeah yeah, someone get the ball. Erm Steve you go." I took a deep breath before I lightly jogged to get the ball.


After my embarrassing moment, I decided to stay at the park. Yeah, I'll be thinking about it for the next two weeks but why waste a good day? I started to play the chorus that I've been struggling with. I tried it over and over but I just couldn't get it right. I stopped focusing on my frustration as I felt a soccer ball hit my foot. Soon after, one of the boys that were playing soccer came towards me.

He had his head down as he went for the ball that was below my view. I got a good look at his shoulder-length blond hair as he was bent down. I was then suddenly met with his face as he looked up at me. "Whatcha strummin?" The boy smiled softly.

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