C H A P T E R 20

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~Code Word Translations~

S/f/c-Second favorite color

F/c- Favorite color


"Brian...I like that name." Y/n took a long drag from the stick, then huffed it out. Brian took it from her hand and made smoke rings with his nose.

"I want to know more about you." Hoodie hummed in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've known you for some time now, but you never really talk about yourself. I just, want to know you before I die, y'know?" Hoodie nodded, the turned his body to face Y/n. He was now on his side, the cigarette passed to Y/n to have.

"What do you want to know?" Y/n took another drag, puffing out the smoke into the air. She tapped her chin in question.

"What's your favorite color?" Hoodie laughed at the question, and Y/n pouted.


"You get to ask me any question, and you pick that?!" He covered his mouth with his hand, muffling his laugh a bit. Y/n rolled her eyes and took another puff.

"I don't really have a favorite color..."

"Oh come on! Which color do you look at and think, 'Wow this color makes me happy'?" Y/n put out the cigarette then threw it out the window. She then put her hands on her lap, looking at him giddily.

"I guess s/f/c is a cool color." He mumbled, playing with his hoodie strings. Y/n smiled and scooted a bit closer to him. Brian didn't look at her, and instead turned to lay back down on his back.


"F/c." Hoodie hummed and raised his arms in the air, letting a sigh escape from his lips.

"Why's your mom such a...bitch?" Hoodie asked, trying not to come off as rude. Y/n didn't find offense in it, though.

"I don't know. I think it's because when I was 15 I went behind her back and started singing. She wanted me to focus on my studies, but I didn't want to. I wanted to do music. And I thought she'd be supportive too, considering the fact my dad had been sentenced to prison not too long before that." Hoodie sat up, looking at Y/n.

"Your father?"

"Yeah, my father. He wasn't a good guy. He physically and sexually abused both me and my mother. It was a traumatic point in my life, but I'm glad I was lucky enough to have him be locked away. He deserves it. I just wish I got to tell him how I really felt about him before I die." Hoodie hummed, opening his mouth to say something.

"I'll go with you." Y/n's eyes lit up as if she were a golden retriever.


"Yeah, it's the least I could do." Y/n's lips curved up as she wrapped her arms around Hoodie, pulling him into a tight hug. Brian's body stiffened, obviously inexperienced when it came to things like these. He eventually hugged back, still on guard.

"Thank you...you have no clue how much this means to me."

"I could only imagine..."


Y/n got out of the uber, chewing a mint flavored gum. She was back at the same office she was yesterday. She went in quickly, signing in and getting up to the top floor. She was tired; only getting about four hours of sleep last night. She'd stayed up most of the night talking with Hoodie, and he had given her his number. About time he did.

The singer made sure to knock on the door before entering. What she had seen yesterday is something that she'd hope to never see again.

"Come in!" Y/n opened the door and was met with two men and a woman. She was familiar with the woman and one of the men. The man she knew was Nathaniel, and the woman was the costume designist from her first and most recent tour.

"Ah Y/n, you've arrived!" Y/n smiled and sat down, cracking her knuckles.

"Hey Miss Evangeline!"

"Y/n, what a pleasure it is to work with you again!" Y/n chuckled a bit, shaking the woman's hand. Turning her head to the unknown man, the girl quirked a brow. He was young, about the same age as Y/n. He had long blonde hair that was fixed into a neat bun.

"That's my assistant Carl. He'll be taking notes." Y/n nodded and waved a hand at him, to which he blushed and waved back.

"Right then, so for costume design I was thinking on going for something more nighttime themed..."


"Ok what the fuck?"

"Hello to you too." Hoodie said sarcastically. Masky was standing at his door frame, arms crossed and foot tapping against the floor impatiently. It was the middle of the night, and Masky seemed to be beyond pissed.

"I know you're hiding something fucktard." Hoodie widened his eyes and smiled.

"Geez Timothy, didn't know you thought of me in such a way." He faked a pout, and Masky gripped his arms tighter.

"Cut the crap Brian. I've known you for fuck knows how long, I know you're up to something." Hoodie got up from his bed, walking right up to him. Hoodie had height on Masky though, so now it seemed like Hoodie was the one in control of the conversation now.

"So what if I'm up to something? What would you do about it?" Tim took his mask off to look at Brian properly. He had an annoyed look on his face.

"Brian for the love of-"

"No tell me, what will you do?" Masky chuckled, which turned to an audible laugh.

"Oh Brian, you really are a dumbass aren't you?" Hoodie grabbed the collar of the brunettes shirt, then pushed him into the hallway, making him bang his head on the wall.

"Bold aren't you? Talking to me about keeping secrets." Masky grabbed his shoulders and pushed him off, turning the positions they were around.

"What is it that you're hiding Brian? It has to be fucking special if you keep avoiding the topic!" Brian punched him square in the face, causing Tim's nose to bleed.

"I'm not hiding anything! And if I were, it wouldn't concern you in anyway, so fuck off!" Brian breathed out. Masky balled his fists and went to go punch Hoodie, but something stopped him from doing so. The two men turned their heads to see Nightmare standing there, holding Masky's wrist to prevent him.

"It's two in the fucking morning and you decide to do this now?" Nightmare pulled Masky towards her, letting Hoodie go to his room. Masky looked at his girlfriend, adrenaline still pumping in him.

"We'll talk about this in the morning, I'm going to bed." The girl loosened her grip on the male and went back to her bedroom, leaving him in the hallway. Tim huffed, putting his mask back on, then walking into his room. He quickly changed into blue jeans and his signature tan jacket, then quietly exited out the mansion.

Once out, he sprinted towards the wormhole, jumping right inside as he did so. Masky couldn't give two shits anymore.

He was going to find out.

. . .
So yeah, drama. Unedited


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