C H A P T E R 23

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So much of it.

Why is it always like this?

"Hello Y/n."

'It's back. Why does it want to talk to me so bad?'

"I've taken away your ability to talk freely. I can't run out of time like last time."

'So it wasn't a dream?'

"Now let me introduce myself more formally. I am-" the voice stepped out of the shadows, revealing itself.


A demon like creature was unveiled. It had razor sharp teeth, 7 mouths and horns so large and thick it can cut through cement.

"As you might recall, I requested a favour from you."

'Why is he so formal?'

"And that is to kill the creepypastas."

'He talks a lot for a demon.'

"I'm sure you're not aware of what I'm talking about, so let me explain"

'Yes please do.'

"Creepypastas are, to be believed, horror stories passed and told around the internet."

'So like copypastas?'

"Many think they are fake, but of course, I know better than that. So do you." He said, cockiness lacing his tongue.

'They're serial killers. A bunch of them who live under it. They work for him as he pleases, more specifically, they kill.'

It was clear the demon was trying to taunt Y/n, but she didn't find much meaning in the idea of murder anymore.

'Look, I want you to work with me to stop them. If you decide to, I'll fill you in as to why I'd like you to work for me. So, do we have a deal?"

Suddenly it felt as if Y/n's mouth could open and speak out work. She had gotten her talking privileges back.

"Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not some servant for-"

Suddenly, Y/n's throat started to clog up. It felt as if the air in her was slowly being sucked out. Was she choking?

"I'll be back for you, Y/n L/n."

".../n...ake up! Wake up!" Y/n's eyes snapped open, her body flinging forward as she sat up. Her arms were around her neck, strangling her. She gave out the grip her hands held and let in a deep breath. Her knuckles were bruised along with her neck. She'll have to cover that up with makeup.

"Hey Hoodie." Y/n said normally, looking up to him. His eye twitched.

"For fucks sakes Y/n you passed out and woke up choking yourself. Stop making everything a joke." He said, laying down next to her. The door was locked, most likely so Masky couldn't get in.

"That's a daily ritual I do. Sacrificing myself to the gods of the hell beneath us." She said sarcastically. Hoodie chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"So where is he?"

"Downstairs. We...have him tied up." Y/n reached over Hoodies body and grabbed her phone. It was shut off. She didnt remember doing that.

"We?" She asked him, watching as her screen lit up with the logo of her phones brand on it.

"Yeah, Nightmare and Toby came over. You'll be fine." She hummed and laid down next to him, letting a deep sigh out. Her phone was blowing up with notifications. Oh right, she was getting cancelled.

"Right, your phone was like, ringing a lot, so we turned it off." Y/n shifted her gaze to the male, a dead beat look in her eyes.

"You couldn't just wake me up? What if it was my mom?"

"Hey it was better than Masky's suggestion. He was going to smash your phone into bits and pieces." The female rolled her eyes and opened Twitter. She wasn't going to record herself making an apology because in all honesty, she didn't feel like it was needed. So instead she'd be explaining the situation in a tweet. How classy.

Brian listened to the sounds of Y/n's aggressive typing as he rested his eyes. He was tired. Waking up early in the morning wasn't his thing, believe it or not. He liked the nighttime better. It was soothing and didnt hold much danger. Of course that was easy for him to say when he was the danger, but whatever.

"I'm getting cancelled." Y/n finally said, and Hoodie opened his eyes to look at her. She popped every one of her knuckles, then went back to typing.

"Oh? What did you do?" Y/n sighed and stopped typing, turning her head to Brian. They were very close to each other.

"Okay, this is going to sound really dumb but I might as well tell you." She sat up, still looking at him. He only hummed in response.

"When I was younger, I was out in the woods playing hide and seek in the dark, forced may I add. And then while I was about to quit they threw me into a fucking lake." Hoodie started bursting out laughing, and Y/n could feel the tips of her ears heat up in embarrassment.

"That-that's fucking hilarious."

"I didn't even know how to swim, it was so scary." Hoodie draped an arm across his eyes, his contagious smile the only feature Y/n could see.


"So then what? You couldn't have been cancelled for something like that." He sat up, crossing his legs and letting his hands rest in his lap.

"I uh...punched her square in the face." She said, feigning guilt. She was young, and that's how she attempted to protect herself.

"Wow, rebelling from such a young age. I'm ashamed."

"Oh fuck off, I was nine." She picked her phone back up and proofread the tweet before showing it to Hoodie.

"How does it look?" He took the phone out of her hand, their fingers brushing against each others.

"At least be grammatically correct..." he muttered, starting to edit the tweet. Y/n shrugged and went into her closet, setting out a simple outfit for the day. She didn't feel like having a shower at the moment, she'll probably have one later in the day.

"Oh come on, you couldn't use a single comma?" He yelled out and Y/n rolled her eyes and changed quickly, making sure to lock the door.

"Are you serious?! You cant say 'lmao riding the cool wave' in a professional formed text." Hoodie said as Y/n came back into her room, sitting back down on the bed.

"I'm neurodivergent Brian. I don't comprehend social cues and whatnot like you do." The female retorted, watching as he basically changed every word. That reminded her that she needed to take her pills and get a new prescription.

"And what are you? My English teacher?"

"I'm an english major. But I'm sure you could figure that out, Mommy." Y/n felt her cheeks get hot and got off the bed to avoid him from seeing her.

"I'm going to go take my meds."

"Mhm, don't be surprised if I tweet it out for you." Y/n went to open the door, but then went to the other corner of her room to grab her baseball bat.

"You do that." And with that Y/n left the room and went downstairs. She poked her head into the living room. There stood a chair, which held no one on it. On the couch was toby who laid and was tapping away on his phone. On the floor but leaning on the couch was Masky and Nightmare. The other female had her head rested on his legs. They were oddly comfortable with each other considering how much of a dick Masky was.

She went into the kitchen and grabbed her orange pill bottle and filled a cup with water. She looked out the window, taking in the scenery.

"Hey Feisty"
. . .
I'm literally so tired-


PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEWhere stories live. Discover now