C H A P T E R 59

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Brian woke up on a silky sheets and a big teddy bear next to him. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the familiar room. Y/n's room. How'd he get here?

Sitting up, the man winced at the sting that went through his forearm to his hand. He looked at his arm and rubbed it, then sighed. He noticed he was shirtless. He didn't remember doing that. Must've been Y/n.

He got up and stretched,

picking up his phone that was on the bedside table. It had a single crack that went from the right corner to the bottom left. How great, he cracked his phone last night.

Going into the bathroom, he grabbed his toothbrush and quickly brushed his teeth. Looking up at himself in the mirror, Brian barely recognized himself. His blonde hair was disheveled, and the bags under his eyes were heavy. He then looked down to his forearm, where his proxy mark was. He remembered when he got the mark first. The amount of blood that leaked out of it. Now it was healed besides the scar, one that he knew would never heal unless he had somehow left his life as a proxy.

Finishing up brushing his teeth and washing his face, Brian left them room to go downstairs. No one was there, though what did catch his eye was a note. A note directed at him.

To Brian,

Hey, sorry we left you, you were just sleeping and I didn't want to wake you. Masky and I went to the police station because they needed to ask me some questions. Heads up: my manager is coming later to talk about what happened later on today with all of us.

Make sure to eat something! You can cook anything or take something from the fridge, just make sure to rest.

Ur shawty,

He chuckled and slid the note into his pocket, then went into the kitchen. He didn't feel like eating, but knew he should've. So, taking an apple from the fruit stand and a cup of water, the male searched around for some ibuprofen, though didn't find any. He'd have to go to a convenience store then. Downing his drink, Brian sighed and went up the stairs to go put a shirt on.

He'd just realized how much damage had happened. The flower vase was completely broken, and Y/n's guitar was also in shambles. The strings were broken and there was splinters everywhere. It looked awful. Poor Y/n.

Time Skip

Quickly pickpocketing someone, Brian went into the nearest convenience store in walking distance. He bought a bottle of pain killers, some bandages, and a monster energy drink for his own pleasure. Wow Hoodie, what a great choice.

Quickly going to check out his things, he whined internally when seeing the short line. His head still hurt and he hadn't showered yet. And he did not want to be a crusty man.

With a sigh, his mind wandered to random parts of his mind.

"You know Brian, I'm not very pleased about this girl you've piqued interest with"

And of course Slender had to start nagging him. Perfect remedy to his headache.

'Well I'm sorry sir, but it's a bit late to say that now isn't it?'

Hoodie was usually fed up with Slender, especially since yesterday. Sally told slender what was happening and now he was involved. Wasn't that great. After all of this, she could end up forgetting who he is entirely or possibly get killed.

"Now don't get an attitude on me. You know well that I could've ended this situation in a much different way."

The male sighed and went up to the cashier, setting the bottle of pills in front of them. He quickly paid and went home, Y/n's house.

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