C H A P T E R 40

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"Hey Sally!" Lazari greeted as she went into the green eyed girls room. From time to time, Lazari would sneak into the Slender Mansion; with Slenders permission, of course.

"Laz! I was just about to give Mister Death a change of outfit." Sally nudged her best friend in, to which they both smiled happily.

"Ooh, are you going for the red hat this time?"

"I was thinking of the red sparkle hat actually. What do you think?" They both engaged into a conversation, talking about random things. From Mister Death's outfits, to gossip and drama amongst the manor.

"I actually came to ask you of something." the horned girl mumbled, just loud enough for her friend to hear.

"What is it?"

"Well you see, there's this girl I know. Older than us both. She's close to becoming another product of my dad." Sally made a frowny face, knowing exactly what that meant.

"I want to stop it this time. She's not much different than the others, beside having more control over her emotions. But I think I can do it. Could you maybe help me?" Sally stayed silent for a minute, contemplating what could result in her happening.

"Well if Slendy finds out then she'll be in even more danger." Lazari hummed in response.

"I think I want to help. I've known you for a long time. If you want to help this woman, then so do I!" The horned girl smiled and hugged Sally, to which she hugged back. Sure, they were just children, but they wanted to put an end to the burden Zalgo put on his prey.


"Y/n..." Adam had spoken up, the black gloves still in hand.

'O-oh, you found my gloves! I've been looking for those everywhere." Y/n said, her voice cracking. She went up to the step father to grab the gloves, though he didn't let her.

"Y/n don't play dumb with me. These are men sized gloves."

"Are you saying I can't wear men's gloves. You know how insecure I get about my hands." She said, her voice fronting seriousness though actually joking around.

"Y/n we both know these aren't yours."

"But they are mine! I got them for an outfit I was putting together. You know, just famous people stuff!" That was one of her go to excuses for everything. Because who was anyone to tell her what famous people did?

"Y/n! I can't believe you would have a boy over. I leave you by yourself for some time and you go out and hang out with boys?" The girl rolled her eyes at her mom. Her mom knew she liked other genders as well, yet it wasn't as big of a deal to hang out with another girl?

"Mother, They're my gloves-"

"Quit with the act. We both know you've had a boy over-"

"And so what if I did? What do you think I could've done so bad that makes you this upset?" Y/n abrupted, getting frustrated.

"Don't you dare-"

"Fucking hell mom! I say two sentences and you get mad at me! I'm not a fucking puppet of yours!" Y/n said, anger lacing in her voice. Lately, she hadn't been able to get along with her mom at all. Maybe it was her fault, but she was definitely not going to stand down. After all, this was her house.

"Now, is there anything you'd like to say back or can I leave?" Y/n sighed out, snatching Hoodie's gloves from her step-dad. The way the brown haired male made Y/n fight with her parental figures. It was exhausting, but she not once blamed him for it, nor told him. She was able to fight her own battles. And, besides, she was too much of a feminist and didn't need the help of a man.

Taking there silence as a no, Y/n went into her room. Looking at her hands, then the gloves, then right back at her hand, she got a brilliant idea. On one hand she slipped the black glove on, the other leaving it bare. She then clasped her hands together, as if she were holding Hoodie's hand.

"Is this what he feels when he holds my hand?" She mumbled to herself, tightening the grip of her bare hand on her gloved hand.

"I should take these off before someone comes in or something. I should also put those clothes away." Y/n took the gloves off, neatly putting them on her nightstand. She then went into her closet, making space for them to put there clothes. Crap was she tired. She'll probably take a nap after this. Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.


"Guh-guess what Nightmare! Y/n asked Brian out on a date!" Toby exclaimed, barging into the room of the sick girl. Masky and Hoodie stood behind him.

"Wow, I actually didn't think any of them had the balls to do it." She joked, sniffling her nose. Hoodie scoffed, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"So where are they going?"

"She didn't tell yet." Hoodie cut in. Masky picked Toby's arm up to let himself in the room, dropping it down once he was done.

"Fucking Hell Toby, how long were you out in the rain? And why aren't you sick?" Nightmare widened her eyes, as if keeping a secret.

"Well we did get ice cream luh-later... And I've told you like five times, my immune system is amazing." Masky slapped the back of Nightmares head lightly, causing her to yelp.

"Dumbass!" Hoodie left the room, going into his own. He was happy, but also tired. Mainly happy.

I'm free all week next week.
When's the next time you're free?

Hoodie thought for a second, thinking about all the missions he had next week.

Next Friday is good for me.

Ok great
Come by my house at 7:30

Are you just not going to tell me where we're going?

Nope ;)
I'll text you later, have some things to take care of.

Hoodie raised suspicion, but decided to let it go. It was probably just some famous people thing.

Y/n smiled as she texted Hoodie, starting to make plans for their date. She had just finished putting away all the clothes, and was planning on taking a nap.

But she wasn't expecting two young girls to be sitting at the foot of her bed, staring at her.

"Is that the girl you were talking about Laz? She seems to be acting a bit indifferent."

"Yeah, that's Y/n!" The older female darted her eyes between the two, noticeably confused.

"Err...Lazzie? Is that your friend?" Y/n asked, shooting Hoodie one last text before turning her phone off.

"This is Sally, she's here to help me help you!" Y/n quirked a brow at the name. Didn't Toby mention a girl named Sally. Was it just a coincidence?

"Nice to meet you Y/n! Though I do have to warn you that I'm ghost, but please don't be spooked by me!" Y/n chuckled a bit, a friendly smile planted on her face.

"Nice to meet you Sally. Do you mind if I call you Sals?" Sally's eyes lit up at the nickname, nodding her head furiously.

"Ok, now that we've gotten over meetings," Lazari twirled, holding a paper out.

"Let's start talking about our plan."

. . .

Hey children! This chapter is a bit longer than the rest but y'know, this is more for the Zalgo plot.
Also what if I changed my username to something else (Not that I am, I love Blxrrii too much)



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