C H A P T E R 2

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Y/n got back at late night. And she was very tired. She took an immediate shower and changed into some pajamas and fell asleep.

Y/n was a wealthy person. At a young age, She had her own house. And while it wasn't necessarily a mansion, it was a large house that was definitely something to brag about. Hell, she didn't live with her parents.

Though, It wasn't like she didn't ask them. When she did they said no because they liked their hometown, which was very quite.

Y/n looked like she was having a good dream. And she was. That is until a certain hooded man woke her up with a harsh shake.

"Oh my gosh I'm going to burn you alive if you shake me once more." She threatened.

"As if. Now get the fuck up bitch." The voice said.

"Shut up." She mumbled, still tired. She went to look him in the eyes, but saw that he had some sort of ski mask on with a frown printed on. He held a gun to her throat and Y/n gulped.

"Don't think I've changed my mind on killing you?" He said. Y/n let out a shaky breath.

'There has to be some sort of way I can work around this. I need to buy time until a week from now. By then I'll be on vacation. The chances of me getting out of this alive are slim to none, but maybe, just maybe this'll work.'

"I have two questions. Answer carefully, will you?" He whispered in her ear. She nodded and a chill ran down her spine.

"One. What's your name?" He asked. Y/n would've gave a snarky remark, but knew better to. After all, she hadn't a death wish.

"Y//n. Y/n L/n." She said simply.

'She's the girl Nightmare was talking about.'

"The singer?" She hummed in response.

"Two. The fuck did you mean by 'You're going to need an appointment.'" He asked again. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to prevent a smile.

"I'm not trying to boast or anything, but I'm really famous. There's people out there trying to kill me and take my body parts to sell on the black market. Hence the reason for the bodyguards. Though I guess they aren't too good at there job if they haven't even found you yet. Anyways, I kind of said it in a sarcastic manner, because that's my personality y'know? So yeah, if you're going to kill me, please get in line with all the other assassins." She finished. The gun that was on her was removed, and Y/n inwardly cheered knowing she may actually survive today.

"You know what? I think I'll keep you around. I'll visit you every now and then. Lead you to a false sense of security, and then I'll kill you. Maybe you'll get lucky and get to see me kill people." He spoke, opening the window.

"Don't try calling the cops or getting someones help out of this, because I will kill you. Brutally at that." He threatened. Y/n gulped and only nodded her head.

"See you later, Pretty Voice." He jumped out the window and disappeared. Y/n's eyes were widened and her mouth was opened, as if she were going to say something.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?" She mumbled to herself. She got into bed and tried to fall asleep, but the previous events lurked in her mind constantly.

The next morning Y/n got up from bed, putting on a hoodie that went way too long without being washed. She walked downstairs, looking for something to eat quickly that would suffice her hunger.

'All this food and I can't even decide what to eat.'

She picked up her phone and looked at the text message.

Coming to your house.

"What a fucking ass." She mumbled. Her 'boyfriend', Oliver, texted her a message he probably didn't even want to text. The two actually hated each other. But because of both their success, they went into a forced relationship to make money.

If Y/n could, she would've been single. She didn't like the idea of being with someone, or having to be opposed to them.

She went up in her room and shut the door to get ready.


Hoodie walked into his room and threw his mask off. His hoodie was completely bloodied due to the previous mission he'd left to.

You could say that in the house of psychopaths, Hoodie was the least openly manic. He never found complete joy in killing people, nor did he find sadness or any remorse for those who were killed by him. He killed only for the sake of the Slenderman.

So yeah, the last two nights for him were pretty crazy. He was feeling pretty annoyed at a certain smiling pasta, and decided on going killing for himself, for like, the first time in months. But why in fuck sakes did he, of all people, have to stumble upon a famous singer? And why the fuck did he keep her alive?

It would disappoint Nightmare to see one of her favorite singers get killed. That's it.
And maybe he kind of wanted to see Y/n go insane.

That would be a sight to see.

The male got out the shower and put on some clothes. He wanted to rest, and he was going to, but I guess that's way too much to ask for in the household because all of a sudden, the fire alarm went off. He sighed and put his mask and hoodie on, then left the house.

Who was it? Who started the fire?

'Toby, most likely. But then again he left right when I came in so it can't be him. Jeff and BEN then. They set the sink on fire last time. And they're the only idiots who'd be able to manage to do this.'

Hoodie found his friend, Masky, and stood next to him.

"BEN and Jeff." Was all Masky had said.

"Who else would it be?" Hoodie scoffed. They both looked around a bit to see if anyone were missing, not hat they'd care anyways.

"Hey where's Nightmare?" Hoodie broke the silence.

"She was starting to get bothered by the smoke so she went on a walk. She's by the lake if you need to ask her something." Masky mumbled. Hoodie nodded and went to go see the girl.

"Hey Nightmare?" He called out. The girl looked to him and smiled.


"That girl, Y/n, can you tell me more about her?" He asked.

"Yeah ok. Let's see her favorite colour is f/c, she hates ( )..."


"Oh, and she's going on vacation next week!" The statement peaked Hoodies interest.


"I don't know where but I know it's out of state, that's for sure." She said. She got up and dusted herself off.

"We should probably get back now. Catch you later." She said before leaving. Hoodie sat there, somewhat stunned. Was she trying to run away? No, she should know better than that.


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