C H A P T E R 7

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"I swear to God Y/n I'll fucking kill you!"

Lock the door.

"(Father's Name) calm down, she's only a child."

"Shut up woman!"

What was that sound? Why is mom screaming?

"Don't get in my way!"

He hurt her mother.

"Y/n open the damn door!"

And he was going to hurt her next.


It's been two weeks since Y/n had seen Hoodie. Her trip to New York was cancelled due to all the events. Well, the ones that were known at least. The only two everyone knew about was her grandfather dying, and that was enough for everyone to say she had bad luck.

Her parents left back home, and Y/n was scared out of her mind. She didn't want to be alone, yet didn't feel like seeing anyone either. Her grandfather's funeral had passed not to long ago, and everything just felt like it was caving in on her.

She finished the album already, just a couple of additional things were to be done and they were ready to be released and sent to her producer. So most days she jut sat by her window, waiting for something to happen. Something exciting to happen. A chance to be saved from the hell she had just entered.

How did this all happen anyways? She stayed up late one night, and he came in. Somehow managing to convince him not to kill her for the moment, which, at the time, seemed great, made her now realize all the more worse opportunities she had created for him. Torture & torment, driving her to insanity. She's really fucked it up this time.

"Y/n? Please come downstairs and eat something. You haven't eaten in days. I'm starting to get worried." One of her maids said, mumbling the last part. Y/n gave the same answer as usual. The maid sighed and left.

Y/n tried to think about a time where she felt so scared and helpless in a situation. A time where all she could do was sit back in fear, only hoping for things to end, whether it'd be what caused the situation or herself.


"No sweetie, me and papa are just playing a game."

"Momma your eye is purple and your nose is bleeding."

"That's how we play the game dear."

"But how come when I hit Mary it was bad?"

"What's this brat doing here? Get her out before she gets a punishing too!"

Why is he holding a belt.

"Y/n go back to your room."

This isn't a game. If it is, it isn't fair.


That's not her dad. That's a monster.


Y/n scurried off out the room and waited outside the door. Watching as her mother was beaten and bruised, yet still didn't scream in pain, only let tears roll down her face. The young girl looked horrified as tears fell to the ground. What was her father doing? Why was he acting this way with his mother? This was the fifth time this week. Why doesn't mom say anything?

The girl ran off to her room and slammed the door shut, hot tears streaming down her face non stop. Was it her fault?


PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEWhere stories live. Discover now