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"Y/n dear how are you! I saw the live of you on tour and

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"Y/n dear how are you! I saw the live of you on tour and..." Y/n kept a blank face as their mother went on and on about what seemed like nothing.

"Of course, I do think you could've done much better-" The statement made blood boil inside of Y/n, their expression still unchanging. Though it would be clear to anyone that their were filled with anger. Their eyes said it all.

"Why would you lie to Nathaniel and say that I had a panic attack?" The line went quiet, so quiet Y/n could've thought that their mother hung up.

"Y/n, I think you're a great singer, and your accomplishments are great-"

"But what? You think I'm not cut out for it?" They interrupted, impatience spilling out through their voice.

"I think it would be a great side job, but Y/n why don't you become serious for once and think about the people around you."

That's all it took to push Y/n off the edge.

"Think about the people around me?! Are you fucking kidding me! Thinking about the people around you isn't doing something that hurts their career and their happiness!" They paced around the room, forgetting about the three boys that were in the living room waiting for them.

"Toby get away, Y/n deserves their privacy." Masky said, who also stood next to the door.

"Shut the fuck up, you're doing it too." He whispered back, scowling slightly.

"Yeah because unlike you I need to actually report back to Slender." Toby only rolled his eyes, going back to listening.

"Mom, What the hell could you possibly want from me? I'm successful, happy, and independent. What is this vision of me that you have that you want me to so badly achieve?" Y/n could feel themselves break from the inside. the cracks that they had tried so desperately to keep hidden. It was finally starting to show. And soon enough, the cracks will spread through and collapse, something Y/n was scared for to happen.

"Stop being so selfish! You know how embarrassing it is for me to tell your aunts and uncles about you singing? You know how embarrassing it is to find out from your aunts and uncles about some rumor that I have no clue is true or not?!"

"Right because it's always about you right? It's always me working my ass off for you to be happy! And yet you never are mom. You've never been proud of me. You never fucking cared! You just use my money. That's all, isn't it?!" Y/n was now sitting in a corner of the room , crying and rocking back and forth. Their mother hadn't said anything, and by their tone, probably couldn't care less of Y/n's mental state at the moment.

"So tell me, mother," They tried to calm themselves down to the best of their abilities, though it didn't matter. At this rate Y/n could have been dying in front of their mother and she wouldn't give two shits.

"Did you ever even love me?"

The line was dead silent as Y/n waited for any form of answer. It was like waiting for your hospital results, except at least at the hospital they could be understanding.

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