Chapter 6

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Time Masters Declan and Druce were standing in the oculus chamber, trying to determine what had gone wrong. Ever since his ship had crashed in the 21st century, Rip Hunter's actions had become concerning, simply because he was no longer acting the way they'd intended with the Oculus.

"Have you determined what caused the problem?' Druce asked.

"No. Whatever it is that is going on, it is not something that we caused, since it would appear that Oculus is functioning perfectly." Declan said.

"This is problematic. If Hunter has somehow not only discovered the Oculus, but also discovered a means of shielding himself and others from it, then he could end up jeopardizing the entire timeline and everything we've worked hard to achieve." Druce said.

"Are we still proceeding with our current plan?" Declan asked and Druce nodded.

"When Hunter arrives at the Vanishing Point, no doubt with the fugitives he recruited, we will neutralize them all before proceeding with plans. While a majority of them will be executed once we have an explanation from Hunter, it would be a shame to let certain skills go to waste." Druce said and Declan nodded as they were notified that the Waverider had landed.

"Have all occupants on the ship neutralized at once before we go in." Druce said and Declan nodded.

"It's already been done. The nerve gas will render all of them unconscious before they can even lift a finger. Once they are unconscious, our troops will enter and take these problems to their proper locations." Declan said and Druce nodded.

When Ava woke up, she found that she had a killer headache. The last thing she remembered before blacking out was being on the Waverider with the rest of the team, preparing to storm the Vanishing Point, but, right as the ship docked, before any of them could even make it to the cargo bay, the ship was flooded with gas and they were all knocked out.

"What the hell?" Ava asked as she realized that she was now in a prison cell.

"Welcome back Ms. Sharpe." Rip said sarcastically as Ava then noticed him in the cell next to her.

"What happened?" Ava asked.

"It would appear that the Time Bastards were onto us, since they gassed the whole ship before any of us could leave the bridge." Snart said as Ava then realized that she and Rip were not alone, since it looked like in addition to Snart, the Time Masters had also put Ray, Nate, Zari, Behrad and Constantine in cells.

"Wait, where are Sara and Rory?" Ava asked.

"Well the Time Masters are likely going to try to turn Mick into Chronos again, but, no idea what happened to Sara." Ray said.

"She's handled worse things than the Time Masters. If anything, she'll be coming down here to rescue us any minute." Ray said.

"I hope you're right." Ava said, since while she knew that Nate was right, at the same time, she couldn't help but feel concern for her girlfriend swell within her.

When Sara came too, she was surprised when she found herself strapped to a chair.

"What the hell is going on?" Sara asked as she attempted to escape.

"Don't waste your energy Moirae. Even with your extensive League training, you find trying to escape from those bonds rather futile." Declan said as he entered the room.

"Time Master Declan." Sara said.

"I take it the traitor Hunter told you about us." Declan said.

"Sure, let's go with that. And my name is Sara. Sara Lance." Sara said.

"You mean it was Sara Lance. That was before you were recruited to a higher calling." Declan said.

"Excuse me?" Sara asked, wondering if this was going where she thought it was.

"You have exceptional skills. Disciplined mind, strong will, high tolerance to pain and nearly unsurpassed combat skills. Everything we require." Declan said as Sara began to laugh.

"Wait, you think that I would work for you? Why on Earth would I do that?" Sara asked.

"You misunderstand, you do not have a choice. You will not be a Time Master, but something far deadlier. You will become one of our hunters Moirae." Declan said.

"I would rather die than work for you." Sara said.

"Well then, you're in luck, because those are your only two options. You will either submit to the induction process or you will die." Declan said as Sara then realized that there was a device behind her. However, luckily for her, Mick had already told her how to beat it.

"Before we do this, one question." Sara said.

"And what might that be?" Declan asked.

"That name you keep calling me, Moirae, what does it mean?" Sara asked.

"Fair enough. Moirae is the term used to describe the greek goddesses of destiny, the fates. Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. They controlled the timeline just as we do. In fact, it is because of them that we have a means too." Declan said.

"Meaning?" Sara asked.

"You don't need to know. You wouldn't understand anyways." Declan said.

"Try me. After all, it's not like I'd be able to tell anyone anyways." Sara said.

"Very well. The device we use to control the timeline is called the Oculus and we created it using one of the most powerful artifacts in history. A piece of the Loom of Fate. The artifact that the fates used to control reality." Declan said.

"Yeah, cause that's not going to backfire on you." Sara said.

"Enough, that's all the questions you get to ask. Now it's time for you to learn to take orders." Declan said.

"Good luck with that. And you'd better hope this works." Sara said.

"And why is that?" Declan asked.

"Because if it doesn't, I'm going kill you." Sara said as she felt herself being forced back into the machine.

"Begin." Declan said as he brought his hand down to signal the beginning of the process.

Sara had to stop herself from screaming, since Mick had really undersold how painful this process was as she could feel the machine burrowing into her brain, trying to extract all her memories, her experiences, her identity, literally everything that made her who she was. She could feel it bringing her worst memories to the surface. Everything that had happened to her since the Gambit, her own death, her resurrection, getting her soul back, hearing her father tell her that Laurel was dead, being that hospital room when he died himself, the death of the multiverse and then her worst memory yet. Kneeling over Oliver's dying body at the Dawn of Time. No matter how terrible the rest of the memories were, that was the one that hit her the most, since while she no longer had romantic feelings for him, Oliver was the closest thing she had to a brother, the first person she'd ever trusted after the Gambit and still the person she trusted the most outside of her family and even so, she considered him family.

However, despite all that, Sara managed to push through the pain and the bad memories by following Mick's advice and focusing hard on one thing. However, unlike him, Sara focused on love. All the love she had in her life. She focused on the people she loved and who loved her. Her father, Laurel, Oliver, Thea, Nyssa, Felicity, John, her mother, the Legends, Team Arrow, Team Flash and Ava. Especially Ava. Sara focused on all the special times she had with the woman she loved and she could feel her resolve growing, but she couldn't let Declan know that.

"What is your name?" Declan asked her when the pain finally stopped.

"Moirae." Sara said and Declan grinned.

"Time to join Chronos. There is much hunting to be done." Declan said as Sara was released and escorted to a new chamber where she was outfitted with a white suit that was similar to the one Mick had worn as Chronos, though slightly less bulky, which was good, because Sara did not like outfits that restricted her mobility and agility.

"Time to hunt." Moirae said as she put on her helmet before being joined Chronos, both of them already knowing where they would be sent for their first mission.

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