Chapter 20

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"Sup Rebecca." Lisa said with a smile as her brother and Mick walked up to her outside the Detroit Museum.

"Who's Rebecca?" Snart asked, since while he knew that Cisco or someone else had restored Lisa's memories of the old universe, he didn't know this.

"You never told him?" Lisa asked Mick with a grin.

"Would you in my position? I still hate that you know." Mick said and Lisa chuckled.

"Okay, what is going on?" Snart asked.

"Oh Mick here moonlights as a romance novelist named Rebecca Silver. In fact, he's the queen of softcore romance novels. Or at least she will be in the future." Lisa said as she laughed while Snart just looked at his partner.

"It's like I don't even know you anymore." Snart said, though Mick could tell that he was struggling not to laugh too.

"Can it you two or I'll light you both on fire." Mick said.

"Yeah right." Lisa said.

"Try me." Mick said as he raised his heat gun, only to have Snart and Lisa raise their cold and gold guns respectively.

"Why don't we all agree not to shoot each other until after we've finished the job, though honestly I was hoping I was done being a thief, since I'm trying to stay off Dad's radar so he doesn't use me to draw you out to pull a job." Lisa said.

"There's a solution to that. Besides killing him." Snart said.

"And that would be?" Lisa asked.

"You could come back to the ship with us. I'm sure Sara would be understanding." Snart said.

"Considering she and Lisa are in the same boat for people who lost their older siblings without having a chance to say goodbye in the old universe, only to get them back in this one." Mick said.

"Blunt as ever Mick." Snart said.

"He's not wrong though." Lisa said.

"Anyways, I'm sick of this sappy crap, so let's get to the job." Mick said.

"Right. While I was waiting for you guys to show up, I did some casing of the museum. Should be simple to get in and out." Lisa said as she pulled out the plans for the museum she'd gotten.

"How did you get these so quickly?" Snart asked.

"Lyla. While you've been traveling through time, I've been making a little extra cash doing some freelance work as a security consultant for Argus." Lisa said.

"How the mighty have fallen." Mick said.

"You're one to talk Rebecca. You know that's not going away anytime soon right." Snart said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I figured as much. But let's get back to the job at hand." Mick said as he pulled a necklace out of his pocket.

"What's that?" Lisa asked.

"It's a replica of the necklace we're going to be stealing from the museum. Same gem and all and our friend even enchanted it to have similar properties as the totem." Snart said.

"Then why bother stealing the real one if you've got a knock off?" Lisa asked.

"Because the original is part of a set of six and we need all six." Mick said.

"Okay then." Lisa said as they went over their plan.

"Should I be concerned that there are a few legends missing?" Rip asked Sara as the team disembarked the Waverider at the Vanishing Point.

"Well, we are out hunting for magical items so 50/50." Sara said.

"Really, and which magical artifacts would that be?" Rip asked.

"Basically any magical artifact we've found over the past 4 years." Sara said.

"So the spear of destiny." Rip said.

"And the Longinus Medallion and all six totems of zambezi. We have the air totem thanks to Zari, Mick and Snart are working on getting us the fire totem and Behrad is working on getting the water totem." Sara said.

"Speaking of magical artifacts, there's another one that we should be on the lookout for." Rip said.

"Really, which one?" Constantine asked.

"The only one more powerful than the spear of destiny. The loom of fate." Rip said.

"Right, Declan told me they used a piece of it to power the oculus in this universe." Sara said.

"And I've got the piece we acquired from the oculus locked up in my house for safekeeping." Constantine said.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried using it." Sara said.

"First off, the ring is useless without the other pieces and even so, only an immortal god, preferably a Fate, can operate it without dying." Constantine said.

"Still, it would probably be best if we had all the pieces so we can make sure that they're never used again. At least until we can find a way to destroy them." Rip said.

"Good luck. I've been searching for that bloody loom for years, but never could find it." Constantine said.

"Neither could my dad, who spent even more time searching for it then you have John." Nora said.

"We'll find it eventually. But for now, Rip, we need a location of the pieces of the spear of destiny." Sara said.

"I'm sorry Sara, but I don't know." Rip said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, you're the one who scattered them across the timeline in the first place." Ray said.

"And then it appears I was smarter in this universe than I was in the old one, since as an extra security precaution, I erased the locations of spear fragments from my memory." Rip said.

"Well, that is smart. That way if you get captured again, even if they do probe your memories, they won't find anything." Sara said and Rip nodded.

"Honestly, it's a precaution I should've taken back in the old reality. Perhaps if I had, Dr. McNider and Commander Heywood wouldn't have died the way they did." Rip said.

"Rip, that wasn't your fault." Sara said.

"You of all people should better try and convince me of that Sra." Rip said.

"Then how about me. It was my grandfather who died, but Rip, it wasn't your fault. You had no choice. You were brainwashed." Nate said.

"That doesn't change the fact that I feel guilty about it." Rip said.

"What's done is done. What's important is finding the longinus medallion, since it's the only way to find the spear." Sara said.

"That won't be easy. The pieces of the medallion have been lost to history, just like the spear itself. Even my magic can't locate it." Constantine said.

"Maybe my dad could help, since he did help get them before." Nora suggested.

"No, your father was only a carrier for the medallion, he never knew how the pieces were located. Fortunately however, we do know someone who does." Sara said.

"Sara, you can't be serious." Wally said.

"Desperate times, desperate measures. We need to find the medallion and the spear before anyone else does, since I'm sure others are looking for it and trust me, the spear will not stay dormant forever. Eventually, it will call out to someone. We need to find it and destroy it before that happens. And to find the spear, we need the medallion and there's only one person who knows how to do that." Sara said.

"You can't really be considering this. After everything he's done." Rip said, since he, Ray, Wally and Nate all immediately knew who Sara was talking about.

"We have no choice. We need to talk to Eobard Thawne." Sara said.

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