Chapter 25

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"We have arrived in the M'Changa province of Zambezi, 1942." Gideon said.

"Good, find us a place to set down. Away from the village." Sara said.

"So sis, what did you think of time travel?" Snart asked his sister, only to look amused by the look on her face.

"I think I'm gonna vomit. Yep." Lisa said as she proceeded to do exactly that.

"Still no bleeding eyeballs." Mick said disappointedly.

"It'll happen eventually Mick and we are very glad that it did not happen to my sister." Snart warned.

"Right. So boss, what's the plan? Something tells me that Amaya won't exactly be welcoming to a bunch of strangers popping up out of nowhere at her home. Especially white strangers." Mick said.

"That's why I called in reinforcements." Sara said as a time courier portal opened and Rip walked out.

"The Englishman." Mick grumbled.

"It's nice to see you as well Mr. Rory. Mr. Snart, this must be your sister Lisa." Rip said.

"And you must be the guy who got Lenny killed." Lisa said.

"Hey, don't blame Rip for that. That was my choice." Snart said.

"Yeah, he made you the kind of person who chooses to die to help people. The Lenny I knew before you got on that ship would never do something like that." Lisa said.

"I'm sorry my recruiting your brother got him killed. It was never my intention to get any of the members of my crew killed." Rip said.

"To be fair, we all knew the risks when we joined the crew and even before then, Snart always risked a cop getting a lucky shot on him." Sara pointed out.

"True." Snart agreed.

"But, I can't help but notice that two members of the crew got killed under the Englishman's lead, where the only one who died under your watch was the Professor and that wasn't even your fault." Mick said.

"Actually, you're wrong about that. Rip and I have an even count." Sara said.

"What are you talking about?" Rip asked.

"You. You died under my command too, Rip." Sara said.

"I wasn't a Legend at the time, Sara." Rip said and Sara shook her head.

"Actually Rip, you were always a Legend. I was wrong when I said you didn't trust anyone, weren't I." Sara said and Rip nodded.

"I understand why you felt that way at the time, but Sara, I may not have trusted the Time Bureau, but I did trust you and the Legends. Even if the feeling wasn't mutual, which was understandable, considering my actions." Rip said.

"What did you do?" Snart asked, since he hadn't heard about this part.

"He showed up, disbanded a team that he'd already left, retired us and basically acted like we were idiots and like all the time we'd had together meant nothing and then turned the ship into a training simulator. Did I forget anything?" Sara asked.

"Oh, you forgot him allowing the enemy to bring the man who killed your sister back to life while trapping us on the ship." Mick said.

"Oh right. That reminds me." Sara said as she punched Rip.

"I deserve that. Honestly, I'm amazed you didn't do that before." Rip said and Sara shrugged.

"I sold you out to the Time Bureau and got you thrown in jail, so I figured that was just as good." Sara said and Rip chuckled.

"Fair enough, though to be honest, the only reason I disbanded the Legends and impounded the ship is because I knew that the legends would never follow Time Bureau protocols and the Time Bureau would never see the value in the Legends approach. I didn't think that they'd work well together, so I split them up until I knew that eventually you'd steal the ship back. Honestly, I was kind of disappointed, since I thought it wouldn't take you so long." Rip said.

"Fair point. But anyways, Rip, you're with me. We're gonna go make contact with Amaya. Not only will we need her help to defeat Mallus if he breaks free, but she might know where we can start our search for the medallion and the spear fragments." Sara said and Rip nodded.

"So, how long do you think we have until Ms. Jiwe discovers we're here?" Rip asked Sara.

"Not sure." Sara said as they walked towards the village.

"Why did you ask me to come with you? I'd thought you'd want to spend more time with your fiance." Rip said.

"I'm not even going to ask how you know about that, since we haven't told the team yet." Sara said.

"Why haven't you?" Rip asked.

"One word. Ray." Sara said and Rip chuckled.

"You're worried he might get a bit carried away in congratulating you?" Rip asked.

"Ava and I don't want a huge engagement party and that's exactly how Ray would react." Sara said before she noticed the look on Rip's face.

"Ava told the team while I was in the present and there's going to be a party waiting for me when I get back to the Vanishing Point isn't there." Sara said and Rip chuckled.

"Yes, but only the Legends are invited, hence why I came, since I figured that if we're restoring Ms. Jiwe's memories, we might as well take her to the party with us." Rip said and Sara rolled her eyes.

"I'm definitely going to be having a talk with Ava about telling the team without me there, but as long as she keeps Ray reined in, I'll allow it." Sara said, right as they heard someone approach them.

"The only reason I'm not killing you both is because I know Captain Hunter wouldn't dare contact me, let alone visit me, unless the situation was urgent." Amaya Jiwe said.

"Actually, you're probably going to want to kill him again in a second." Sara said and Rip sighed, since he knew that in all likelihood, Sara was right.

"What are you talking about?" Amaya asked, right as Sara restored her memories.

"Okay, right now I do want to punch one of you, but not Rip." Amaya said as she recovered from her headache.

"Consider us even for the headache you gave me when you first stowed away aboard the ship." Sara said and Amaya chuckled.

"Fair enough. It's good to see you Sara." Amaya said.

"You too Amaya." Sara said as the two friends hugged.

"While I wish we could enjoy this reunion, I suspect you already know why we're here." Rip said.

"I have a few guesses. Come on, we'll discuss this in my home in the village." Amaya said and Sara and Rip nodded as they followed her into the village.

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