Chapter 19

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"Well, well, look who's back." Behrad said with a smile as he and Constantine returned to the ship's bridge to find Nora Darhk waiting for them along with Sara, Ava and Ray.

"And fortunately, I am no longer a fairy godmother and hopefully will never become one again." Nora said.

"I thought you liked that gig?" Ray asked and Nora laughed.

"Are you kidding? The only part of it I liked was how it helped me cope with some of the trauma from my past, which never happened on this earth, since Sara restored my dad's memories." Nora said.

"You did that?" Constantine asked Sara, shocked.

"Ray made a very good case and even Oliver agreed that it needed to be done and he's the only person who hates Darhk more than I do. But it did have the desired outcome." Sara said.

"And that outcome was?" Constantine asked.

"Darhk remembered exactly where his plans got him. His wife dead, himself dead and his daughter being convinced to sell her soul to a demon cult." Sara said.

"And that changed him?" Constantine asked.

"Since my memories from this universe have changed significantly, yes." Nora said.

"How?" Behrad asked.

"Our best guess is that Nora's memories of the old reality somehow allow her to retain her memories of the old timeline." Sara said.

"Plus we were also in the temporal zone when the time shift began." Ava said.

"So, what do you remember?" Constantine asked.

"I remember my dad shutting down Hive and then taking a potion that stripped him of his powers, rendering him mortal and then taking my mother and I to live in hiding to protect us from any of his enemies while he taught me how to use the magic I inherited from him, since I was born before he gave up his powers." Nora said.

"Which is why you still have yours." Constantine said and Nora nodded in agreement.

"So, you actually changed history so that your dad is not a jerk?" Behrad asked.

"Yep and Oliver Queen is also having the League of Assassins keep an eye on my dad to make sure that he doesn't fall into his old bad habits." Nora said.

"Well, congrats on that." Behrad said.

"Thanks. But anyways, I'm glad to be back to being a regular witch who can use my vast powers for anything I want, whenever I want." Nora said.

"Okay, I can see how that is appealing." Sara said.

"So anyways, what's the plan now Captain? Go back to the Vanishing Point for some R&R?" Behrad asked.

"Not yet. I already know what our next mission will be and John, I think you're going to like it." Sara said.

"Really, well what is it?" Constantine asked.

"We're going hunting for magical items." Sara said.

"You're right, I do like where this is going." Constantine said with a grin.

"We're going to be hunting down all the magical artifacts we found in the old reality." Sara said.

"Really, and which ones did you find?" Constantine asked, curious.

"Well, in addition to the totems of Zambezi, which we will be finding. We're also going to be hunting down the Longinus Medallion, both pieces of it, and the spear of destiny." Sara said.

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