Episode 1x11: The Dogs Of War

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Season 1

Episode 11

Opens in a flashback to the night that the Particle Accelerator went online. JARED SMITH, MARTIN STEIN, and NATHAN CORREA are preparing to turn the Accelerator on at T.E.S.S. Labs.

The camera never shows Smith's face.

Stein: The system is at 78% power. Now 81%.

Correa: Welcome to the big leagues boys. Soon, we'll be able to create clean, stable fusion reactions here on Earth. Think about what this could do for humanity!

Smith: Has anyone seen my son? He said he'd be here.

GARGAN and his family walk into the T.E.S.S. Labs Cortex.

Gargan: We're about to make a scientific breakthrough, and you're worried about where your rebel of a son is?

Smith: Vlad! [walks over to Gargan] Glad you could make it.

Gargan: I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Stein: 92% power. If you wanted to make a speech Jared, now would be the time.

Smith: [nods to Stein] Alright, attention everyone. [gets everyone's attention in the Cortex] We are about to make a breakthrough in science today, with this! [motions for Stein to show them the progress of the Accelerator] The T.E.S.S. Labs Particle Accelerator. With this, we will be able to cause cheap, clean, stable fusion reactions right here in T.E.S.S. Labs. None of this could be possible without any of you. Even you, Vlad.

GARGAN smiles at SMITH and does a small hand wave.

Smith: I only wish my son was here to be able to watch as we make scientific history.

Shows a shot of DOM running to T.E.S.S. Labs.

Dom: Shit! I'm late!

Back at the Cortex.

Stein: The Accelerator is ready.

Correa: What are we waiting for then? Fire it up!

Gargan: I second that notion.

Smith: Well, I wouldn't want to go against the wishes of everyone else, now would I? Begin the countdown Martin.

STEIN initiates the countdown sequence on the Accelerator.

Smith: Everyone, count down with me. Ten... Nine... Eight...

Goes back and forth between DOM running to the Cortex, and the countdown.

Dom: Come on, Dom. You can make it.

Smith: Seven... Six...

Dom: Come on...

Smith: Five... Four...

Dom: Come on!

Smith: Three... Two... One. Activate the Accelerator!

STEIN activates the Accelerator. While the fusion reaction in the Accelerator is going on, T.E.S.S. Labs is coated in a slight purple light, which slowly spreads to the atmosphere around the lab, and then beyond.

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