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after less than 20 minutes of walking, and around 6:45PM, jungwon and heeseung reached the younger's house.

"we're here now", jungwon muttered.

"yeah, see you tomorrow, i guess?", heeseung said, giving jungwon a warm hug.

"yes, see you tomorrow, hyung."

"alright, you should go inside now", the older said, cutting the hug. "i'll ring the doorbell for you", then he smiled.

fck no!

"hyung, wait-", jungwon shouted, but it's too late, the older pressed the doorbell already.

"why, yang-yang? is your mom not-", heeseung was about to ask the younger but someone opened up the gate and revealed herself.

"jungwon?", the woman muttered.

"hi mom", jungwon awkwardly greeted the woman, also known as her mother.

"what are you doing here and oh, you're lee heeseung, right?", jungwon's mom asked.

"yes, ma'am. it's nice to meet you", heeseung said before bowing down.

"i'm glad to meet you, too! but, what are you guys doing here? jungwon, what are you doing here?", the woman asked, confused.

even heeseung was confused, questions running through his mind like, "this is their house and yang-yang is her son, right? why is she asking like that?"

jungwon met her mom's eyes and eventually, the woman kind of felt that something is wrong, so she quickly changed the question.

"i mean, why are you guys are outside? go in and get yourselves some dinner!", jungwon's mom enthusiastically said.

"oh, no need, ma'am. i just actually walked jungwon here and i'm-."

"aish, no need to be shy! go inside now and let's eat there!", the woman commanded, smiling.

"g-go, hyung. have dinner with us", jungwon stuttered.

"alright, i'm gonna go in", heeseung said.

"sure, sure! feel at home, please", jungwon's mom said once more.

eventually, heeseung got inside their house already and jungwon and his mom was left outside.

"aish, yang jungwon, you gotta explain this after", the woman said, pointing at her son.



the three are sitting infront of the foods on the table now.

heeseung is smiling, so as jungwon's mom, while jungwon is kind of scared that's why he's not able to smile. instead, his biting his lips.

"let's eat now! i'm glad i ordered some dinner or else, i wouldn't be able to invite you here, heeseung", the woman said.

"oh, haha, thank you, ma'am!"

"you're welcome, eat now. jungwon, eat now."

then the three started to eat peacefully.

heeseung is happy since he's meeting his boyfriend's mom and even eating dinner with them.

jungwon's mom is happy as well since heeseung seems to be a nice boy to her, but at the same time, she's confused.

while jungwon? he's just feeling almost all of the emotions at the moment.

"so, how was your first day at school, guys? i assume you're attending the same school since you're wearing the same uniform", jungwon's mom started the conversation while eating.

"yes, we attend the same school, ma'am and my first day was fortunately amazing", heeseung answered before smiling.

"that's great! how about you, jungwon? how's your first day?"

"great as well, mom", jungwon answered, sounding so defeated.

"hmm, wait. i have another question for the both of you", the woman said, making both jungwon and heeseung look at her. "are you guys just friends or what? because y'know what, i feel like you guys are dating."

mom, what are you up to?!

"hey, mom-."

"well, ma'am, i personally say sorry first because we kept this as a secret, but yes, we are dating", heeseung said. "jungwon and i are together for months now. i really hope you don't mind, ma'am. i really love your son and i'll do anything for him."

it's final, jungwon wanted to be eaten by the ground already.

"hmm, i see", jungwon's mom started. "i just hope you won't break my son's heart-or, my son won't break yours", then she smiled.

ah, sht.


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hey, mrs. yang???????? are u ok?????

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