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"what did you say?", jay seriously asked ni-ki after he looked at his friends.

"oh, i-no, i think you mis-."

ni-ki was saying something, but mrs. yang, along with mr. and mrs. park, suddenly came at the scene.

"where's jungwon?!", jungwon's mother asked the guys, worried. she definitely cried before coming at the hospital, since her eyes are red and puffy.

and just like right on cue, a doctor, along with some nurses, came out of the operating room.

"doc, how's my son?", the woman asked the male doctor. her hands are visibly shaking.

"i'm guessing that you're the mother of the patient", the doctor said. "he was shot on his right back shoulder, and fortunately, that wasn't a very lethal part-although, his arm could have been damaged and will be needing sometime to recover. we were able to remove the bullet from his body, and we'll just have to wait for him to wake up, for us to be able to run some tests on him", he explained.

"how about his blood, doc? does he need some blood donation or whatever?", mrs. park asked.

"fortunately, no. it's a good thing that he was brought here before he could even lost a quite plenty amount of blood", the doctor answered.

everyone became relieved after hearing that.

"doc, can we see him now?", jay's turn to ask the doctor.

"oh, we'll be transferring him to another room first, then you could see and visit him already", the doctor smiled. "so, yeah. i'll see you again after the patient woke up."

"thank you!", everyone thanked the doctor and the nurses before bowing. the saviors did the same before finally walking away.


after some moments, jungwon was transferred into a new room, just like what the doctor said.

the room was a private one. it was a huge room, that's why everyone were able to get inside.

jake, sunghoon, sunoo and ni-ki were seated on the room's mini couch, chatting about some random things.

mrs. yang and mrs. park are helping each other on putting the husbands' clothes on the provided closet on the room.

mr. park went out for a while to buy some foods for them.

while, jay is sitting beside jungwon's bed, admiring his sleeping husband while holding his hand with a teary eyes.

up until now, jay is still blaming himself for what happened to jungwon. he thinks that if he drove faster, he could have prevented jungwon from getting hurt.

"sorry, jungwonie. i'm sorry", he whispered, kissing his husband's hand before some tears flowed down from his eyes.

mrs. yang saw what jay did. she sighed before saying 'please, wait' to mrs. park and walking beside her son's husband to pat his back.

jay immediately looked up and saw the smiling face of his mother-in-law.

"don't cry. i know that you're blaming yourself right now, but you shouldn't", mrs. yang said, smiling. "my jungwon is hurt, our jungwon is hurt, but it's not your fault, okay?"

jay nodded before smiling. "thanks, mom. i'm just hoping that jungwon will be fine soon."

"he'll be fine, don't worry. everything will be okay, for sure", the woman said before both of them smiled.

soon, mr. park came back with a lot of foods for them. the family and friends ate together at the room while jungwon was still sleeping.


it was past 11PM when jake, sunghoon, sunoo and ni-ki decided to go home. they bid their goodbyes to the family, and promised to visit jungwon again the next day.

when it was only jay and the parents who were left, mrs. yang spoke.

"i wanna thank you for everything, mr. and mrs. park. i wanna thank you as well, jay, for loving my son", mrs. yang said.

the park's smiled.

"you're welcome, mrs. yang. jungwon is really important to us. he deserves all the love, and not the pain that he must feel after he woke up because of his arm", mrs. park said.

mrs. yang nodded before looking at his sleeping son on the bed.

"you're right, he deserves all the love. he also deserves his own happiness", the woman said. "and there's one thing that would make him totally happy, but i'll be needing your help", she added.

"oh, say it. we'll do everything to make jungwon happy, mrs. yang", jay's mother said.

they were being enthusiastic, not until mrs. yang spoke with the answer that they did not expect.

"their marriage contract, let's end it for them and make our kids finally happy."


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