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after jungwon's argument with his mom, he decided to ignore jay for sometime. but, when he got home and earned a very warm hug from the older, he couldn't do anything but to cry on jay's arm.

and right now, the two are both are at their universities, talking with each other on the phone.

"yes, hyung. don't worry, i'm really fine now", jungwon said.

"alright, jungwonie. just make sure that you won't stress yourself that much, hmm?"

"yeah. thanks, hyung! i'll call again later, got to do somethings now", the younger announced.

"okay, bye!"

"bye, hyung!", then jungwon ended the call, before looking again at his two bestfriends infront of him.

"done with guy number two? alright, i guess you can tell us now how did you earn a slap from your mom", sunoo assumed.

"we had some fight after heeseung hyung confessed to her that we're dating", jungwon casually said before writing something on his paper.

"what?!", sunoo shouted after he stood up, then slamming the table. students looked at him with judging looks. "aish, just finish your homeworks that you're doing here at school. stop looking at me!", he sassed at the students.

"sunoo hyung, stop moving the table! we're doing homeworks here!", ni-ki said.

"aish, that's homework! home! you should do that at your homes, not here, kids", the oldest of the three muttered.

"they said that school is students' second home, though. we can definitely do homeworks here, hyung", jungwon said.

"whatever! it's almost 9AM guys, almost time for our first subject, faster!", sunoo commanded after he sat down again. "also, i heard that the teachers will announce something later, that's why you gotta be a lot more faster, guys!"

"announce what?", ni-ki asked.

"well, i don't know! we'll find out later", sunoo muttered.

"okay, i'm done. let's go", jungwon said after he stood up from his seat. sunoo stood up as well.

"but, hey! i'm not done yet!", ni-ki shouted, panicking after seeing the two got up from their chairs.

"good luck, nishimura!", jungwon said before walking a bit.

"yep, good luck, mr. riki!", sunoo teased the youngest as well before he walked away as well.

"yah! yang jungwon! kim sunoo! i hate you both!", ni-ki shouted, making the other students look at him just like how they looked at sunoo earlier. "h-hi guys? do you have homework? can i copy yours?"


the bestfriends are finally on their respective classrooms, just before the school's bell rang.

soon enough, their teacher came in to announce something-just like what sunoo said earlier.

"okay, class. listen up!", the professor started. "this will be fun because...the school will be hosting a public acquaintance party next week!", the woman excitedly announced, but everyone was just confused.

"acquaintance party? isn't that for the freshmen only, ma'am?", some student asked.

"for the past years, yes, it was only for the juniors. but this year, the school officials decided to make this party for everyone here to enjoy", she explained. "oh, not everyone here only, but everyone from any other universities since it's a public party!", she added.

this time, the students reacted already. they all became excited-except for jungwon.

what if jay hyung attended that party?

what if destiny played with me?

what if he and heeseung hyung met?

"no!", jungwon suddenly shouted, making everyone look at him.

"no, mr. yang? do you have any complaints?", the professor asked him.

"uh, n-no, ma'am! i mean, haha. no way! that would be fantastic! yeah, amazing, haha", jungwon lied.

"okay, i'm glad that you like it, guys. anyways, get your book now and open page 23", the teacher said and everyone was suddenly saddened.

jungwon got his book opened already, yet his mind is still flying around.

"gotta make jay hyung say no to that party."


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our internet sucks :/


my mom had a surgery today so yeah, sorry!!

i'll update more tomorrow:)

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