Father Knows Best

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*Lukes P.O.V*

I slammed my car door and walked to the front door. Cam always knew how to get on my nerves and I always said something to enrage her. Stomping through the front door I nearly ran straight into my dad.
"Well a welcome home to you too." He said sarcastically walking back into the kitchen.

I slowly followed my dad back into the kitchen and sat down at the island facing my father. I watched as he cooked dinner. Throwing taco meat on the stove, the air began to fill with delitful aroma making me hungry.

"How was practice?" My dad asked turning from the stove for a moment.

"Good. How was yours?" I asked

My dad chuckled and began getting the tacos on the plates.

"Good, till Camilas dad called me. One of his swimmers busted her knee." He said unsure whether he felt pity or delight. It was after all their rival team.

"I know, he couldn't pick up Cam so I had to take her home." I said with irritation in my voice remembering our fight.

My dad placed a taco in front of me and sat down at the island.
"I'm sure coach Westphal appreciated that."

I scuffed,
"I'm sure he did, but Cam on the other hand, hated it." I said remembering how hard she slammed my car door when I dropped her off.

"You too have another fight?" My dad asked standing up to go get drinks.

"No, yes. It wasn't really a fight this time. She just yelled, I yelled. I don't know dad, we just got on each other's nerves again." I shrugged, everything I was saying was true.

"Have you tried not getting on her nerves?" My dad asked with a chuckle

I lightly smiled before biting into my taco. Of course, I never really made an effort to try and be nice to Cam. But was I going to start now? No? Yes? Maybe? Maybe...I would settle for maybe.

*Camilas P.O.V*

While dancing around the kitchen to electric love, I made pasta. More specifically, chicken alfredo for two. I wasn't sure whether or not my dad would be home in time for dinner but I made him some anyways.

Finishing up the pasta I scooped the Alfredo into bowls and set them on the table. I sat there and ate in silence, only the clock ticking behind me.

The day had already been long, and it wasn't even the busiest day of the week. But the swimming, weight lifting, and yelling at Luke had made me more exhausted then I had been in awhile.

The back door, creaked open without a warning, making me jump. In crept my dad, who gave me a sorry look before setting his work bag on the floor.

"Your bowl is on the counter." I said pointing to said bowl.

He gave me a great full look and grabbed the bowl. He sat down at the table across from me.

"Sorry about today, She over rotated her knee in her breaststroke kick, and everything got crazy. I had to take her to the hospital and call her parents. Then it all took so long, and I didn't give you a heads up that I couldn't take you." He babbled his apologies quickly.

"Its fine dad," I said while twirling the Alfredo noodle in my fork, "I got a ride home from Luke."

My dads eyebrows raised at that comment as he placed the noodles in his mouth.

"Really dad, everything was fine." I said again trying to reassure him.

Though he was best friends with Luke's dad, he new my dislike for Luke and the comments he makes about me. He originally wanted to talk to Luke and his father to fix everything, but I told him, no I'd deal with it.

"You don't sound like everything was fine." My dad said giving me the classic "worried dad look."

I sighed and wrapped my hand around my glass.
"He told me that I should run home because I obviously need the cardo."

My dad gave me a shocked look as I told him everything that was said in front of the school this afternoon. He listened intently for the rest of dinner and didn't speak until all the food was finished.

"Have you tried telling him to stop saying those comments to you?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the table. Making it look like I'd had told him to stop before. Truth was I hadn't . Normally I would just yell at him.

*ok so wattpad is being weird, so I'm very sorry that my chapters are publishing then unpublished randomly. See you next chapter fishes. Just keep swimming!"

Word count: 792

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